Produktdesign (Product Design) duos Julia Huhnholz and Friedrich Gerlach as well as Felix Stockhausen and Michael Mahle were awarded with first place prizes at this year’s »Mia Seeger Preis«. 1,500 euros prize money was awarded for the Bachelor's thesis »The Essence of Biocement«, which has already been recognised with numerous awards, and the semester project »Zweirad«.
Felix Stockhausen and Michael Mahler added the option of transporting a second person to a conventional bicycle with their »Zweirad« project. What makes this project so special is that, unlike a tandem bicycle, the »Zweirad« can be ridden solo. A distinctively long saddle and a handrail and footrest for the second rider guarantee a comfortable ride. Specially formed mud flaps protect the riders’ feet from coming into contact with the wheels. Compared to a conventional bicycle, Stockhausen and Mahle have increased the size of the wheel base so that the passenger sits in front of the rear wheel axle. This ensures a stable and safe ride.
»Whether it’s on a classic Vespa or, not exactly legally, on an e-scooter, using two-wheelers in twos is spontaneous, flexible and very popular. But why hasn’t this been made possible on a bicycle before?«, asked the competition jury in their statement. »Felix Stockhausen and Michael Mahle have come up with a solution that is as amazing as it is simple. The long saddle, reminiscent of the 1970s Bonanza bike, and a clever shift of the centre of gravity offer riders a new experience. This is something that could be used by bike-sharing groups and in fact by any cyclist looking to spontaneously ride with a passenger.«
Julia Huhnholz and Friedrich Gerlach also won first place for their joint Bachelor's thesis »The Essence of Biocement« based on a biocement that can be produced with low emissions. Julia Huhnholz and Friedrich Gerlach are the designers behind the seating furniture »The Essence of Biocement«, which was made from biocement in order to raise awareness of the material and show the many ways in which it can be used. Producing biocement does not require a firing process and can be made with the help of urea and calcium. Recycled bricks, through the bacteria they contain, bond with calcium carbonate to become a resilient and stable biocement. Sand, an increasingly rare raw material normally used to create biocement, can also be completely eliminated in the production process developed by the young designers.
»The project is testing new areas of application and digital tools for manufacturing safe and natural biocement,« said the jury, explaining their decision. »The transfer process is clear and shows how new materials and manufacturing processes can result in an unfamiliar design language. A concrete and though-provoking approach that could be used for products with fewer ergonomic requirements, such as a chair.«
The idea for »Zweirad« was conceived in the 2019/2020 winter semester and was supervised by Andreas Mühlenberend, Professor of Industrial Design, and artistic staff member Niklas Hamann. "»The Essence of Biocement"« was supervised by Dr. Jan Willmann, Professor of Theory and History of Design, Katrin Krupka, then Associate Professor of Materials and Environment, and scientific staff member Michael Braun from the Department of Theory and History of Design.
Questions can be directed to Romy Weinhold, Press and Public Relations Officer for the Faculty of Art and Design by phone at +49 / 36 43 / 58 11 86 or by e-mail at romy.weinhold[at]
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