On its own platform, the university invites students, teaching staff and alumni to express their creative messages of solidarity with Ukraine. From now on, works can be uploaded and published via the link www.uni-weimar.de/aid4ukraine/solidarity.
Solidarity with the Ukrainian people is boundless. People all over Europe and the world are trying to help with their means, donating money and urgently needed relief supplies, providing shelter or getting involved in other ways. Beyond these efforts, what else can we do?
We can show our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the displaced and spread a little hope. We can express our feelings, show that we stand united - maybe we can even reach out to the Russian people and play a small part in the fight against disinformation.
With this website, we offer a platform where students, members and alumni of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar can publish their creative messages. Upload your statement and let us thus show our solidarity together in pictures!
Provided consent was given during the upload, the contributions will also be published via the university's social media channels.
You can submit your work on the following website:
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