A new publication from the student-organised »LUCIA Verlag« showcases typefaces and typographic designs created by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar students under the direction of Stefanie Schwarz in her »Typography and Typeface Design«. The book is supplemented by texts by over 20 designers on »New Typography«, including personal perspectives and approaches in the field of typography and typeface design.
»Bauhaus Type Action: Neue Typografien 2019 – 2023« is a attempt to collectively capture new typographies 100 years after the publication of László Moholy-Nagy’s legendary essay, »Die Neue Typographie«, and the publication of the »Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar 1919 – 1923« exhibition catalogue on the occasion of the first major Bauhaus Exhibition in 1923. The publication aims not to be a new manifesto, but rather is an attempt to illustrate the range of possibilities offered by the medium of »typeface« and invites readers to question the meaning of typography and typeface again and again.
The book begins by presenting typeface designs and typographic works created by students in Stefanie Schwarz’s department of »Typography and Typeface Design«. From 2019 to 2022, the budding designers explored numerous strategies and methods for working with typography in courses and projects. The spectrum ranged from experimenting with alternative design tools and understanding their influence on more conventional design practices to questioning how typography reflects feminist attitudes.
The second part of the book includes texts by over 20 designers on »New Typography«, including personal perspectives and approaches in the field of typography and typeface design. The authors of these texts include lecturers from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (including Masihne Rasuli, Markus Weisbeck), guest lecturers (such as Fernanda Cozzi), colleagues from other universities (including Johanna Siebein, Andrea Tinnes), as well as other internationally renowned designers such as Anne Odling-Smee (Design Science, London), Verena Panholzer (Studio Es, Wien), Rathna Ramanathan (Minus 9 Design, Chennai & London), Allen Hori (Bates Hori, New York), Michael Mischler and Nik Thoenen (Binnenland, Bern & Wien), Oded Ezer (Ezer Type House, Tel Aviv), Golnar Kat-Rahmani (Type & Politics, Berlin).
Jonas Beuchert, Fernanda Cozzi, Oded Ezer, Allen Hori, Golnar Kat-Rahmani, Ricarda Löser, Michael Mischler, Anne Odling-Smee, Verena Panholzer, Rathna Ramanathan, Masihne Rasuli, Charlotte Rohde, Rajshree Saraf, Tilman Schlevogt, Stefanie Schwarz, Johanna Siebein, Patrick Thomas, Nik Thoenen, Andrea Tinnes, Dirk Wachowiak, Markus Weisbeck, Marcus Wichmann, Andrea Wilkinson
Publisher: Stefanie Schwarz
Editorial Suport: Masihne Rasuli
Proofreading: Anisha Peplinski
Concept and Design: Stefanie Schwarz
Fonts: Bely, Weissenhof Grotesk
Printing and Binding: Buch.one / Offsetdruckerei Karl Grammlich GmbH
LUCIA Verlag
148 pages, 17 x 24 cm
German and English
August 2024
ISBN: 978-3-945301-76-0
Price: 18 Euro
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