Under the title »Continuity in Times of Rupture« we welcome artist Ahmet Öğüt from Berlin to our »erase Love Lecture Series«. All interested parties are cordially invited to join the lecture at Bauhaus Museum Weimar on Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 6 p.m.
Bauhaus Museum Weimar
Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1
99423 Weimar
erase Love Lecture Series invites for transcultural exchange in art and architecture thinking and making. International artists, architects, urbanists, cultural practitioners, and curators share their multiperspective knowledge of global modernisms through a decentered and decolonial lens.
Ahmet Öğüt based in Berlin and Amsterdam, is a sociocultural initiator, artist, and lecturer. Working across a variety of media, including photography, video, and installation, Öğüt often uses humor and small gestures to offer his commentary on rather serious or pressing social and political issues. Öğüt is regularly collaborating with people from outside of the art world to create shifts in the perception of common. He will give an introduction into his overall practice and will talk about continuity while dealing with the unexpected and the key works that created a new turn in his practice.
A project by Practices and Politics of Representation, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (Prof. Mona Mahall, Yelta Köm), the MFA-Programme Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Vertr. Prof. Ina Weise, Arijit Bhattacharyya, Lea Maria Wittich) and the Professorship Arts and Research (Jun.- Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland)
Supported by the Projektfonds 1923/2023 of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
More information: erasetriology.cargo.site
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