The performance collective »Material Girls« will open its third exhibition on Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 7 p.m., with a performance entitled »Material.Mud« - this time in the exhibition space »11m3« at Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 16. In the continuation of the performative series of events, the Material Girls Stella Dragovic, Cora Groos, Celine Loesche will deal with the material »mud«.
Material.Mud is the third performance by the Material Girls. The space is small, the eye contact is direct. The starting material is earth. It is added with water. Earth + water = mud. Earth, as a material that can describe both an origin and a future, is transformed into mud. The Material Girls find a playful approach to the newly created material.
They will clap, mud, smear and take on the supposedly dirty material. They will use the mud to change the space and especially the field of vision between themselves and the viewer. The traces of the performance will be stored in the space for a week and time will transform the material once again.
About »Material Girls«
The performance collective »Material Girls« was founded in April 2023 with their first exhibition. The three artists Celine Loesche, Stella Dragovic and Cora Groos found each other through a shared aesthetic, an intensive exploration of their materials and a passion for performance art.
An important part of their artistic work is a political attitude, which means that they work in solidarity and collaboratively and see a clear added value in this form of work. With the title of their collective, multimedia and synaesthetic work ‘Material Girls’, they playfully refer not only to the pop song »Material Girl« by Madonna (1984), but also to their artistic exploration of a wide variety of natural materials.
7 to 14 May 2024
Performance and Opening »Material.Mud«
Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 7 p.m.
Exhibition space »11m3«
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 16
99423 Weimar
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