We are happy to welcome Alex Nathanson on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 4 p.m. for an online Artist talk about »Solar Power Art and Design in the Energy Transition«. Interested parties are cordially invited to join!
ARTIST TALK »Solar Power Art and Design in the Energy Transition« with Alex Nathanson
Tuesday, April 30 2024, 4 – 5 p.m.
Location: Online via BBB
His talk, Solar Power Art and Design in the Energy Transition, will look at a variety of ways that artists and designers can engage with the technology. He will give an overview of his art, design, and research practice and will discuss his design philosophy and pedagogical approach as it relates to renewable energy, which focuses on the relationship between affordances and poetics to facilitate play, accessibility, and localization. He will talk about some notable themes within the history of solar power art and design and will also contextualize this field within the energy transition more broadly and discuss the important and unique contributions of art and design in this space.
Alex Nathanson is a designer, technologist, artist, and educator based in New York City. His work is focused on exploring both the experimental and practical applications of sustainable energy technologies. He is the founder and lead designer of the education and art platform Solar Power for Artists and its partner studio, Energy Transition Design LLC. The mission of both organizations is to make sustainable energy accessible, tactile, and understandable. As a solar power designer, he has created interactive and educational projects for numerous cultural and educational institutions. In collaboration with Tega Brain and Bennedetta Piantella, he co-created the Solar Protocol project. His book A History of Solar Power Art and Design was published in 2021.
Hosted by the Professorship »Interface Design« at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as part of the project module »Sustainable Futures - Interactive Objects«
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