Self-sufficient and climate neutral housing in the area of Thuringia- Archē
Project information
submitted by
Alma Kaltenhäuser
Supervising professorship
Konstruktives Entwerfen und Tragwerkslehre
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Ruth,
Dr.-Ing. Katrin Linne,
Katharina Elert M. Sc.
Degree programme:
Architektur (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.))
Project description
Human beings are the only species which lives detached from the cycle of nature. Mankind uses valuable resources and nutrients to a level that makes them useless when they return back to nature. How do we plan to start being a part of the natural cycle in the near future?
The project takes place on a site in a village named Unterschöbling near to Königssee in Thuringia . The subject is to form a home which is self-sufficient, comfortable but economical regarding resources and water. It should let people raise their awareness towards nature again. Another issue is to create a connection between the site and the resident and the surrounding village. This is being reached through a café. It should help to form a more open minded and accepting mentality towards new forms of living.
The living space is being minimised and lays below the German average of 47,4 sqm per person and is justified through shared space for the residents on the site. One example for that kind of shared space is an indoor garden which can bear fruits and vegetables all year long. Another space is the already mentioned café which will open weekly on Sundays. It could also be used flexibly if needed for events and happenings of the residents. Its use as a multi function café allows it to become a guesthouse or a working area or alternately as a shared living room. The functions create an opportunity to strengthen bonds between residents and locals and creates a new identity and connection to the village.