This year’s Konrad Wachsmann Prize will honour three Bauhaus-Universität Weimar final projects: Julia Anna Janiel’s final Bachelor’s project and Kai Pieper & Danny Liu’s the joint final Master’s project will each receive a prize, while Laura Bracke will receive an honourable mention for her final Master’s project.
The jury – consisting of »der architekt« editor Elina Potratz, Thuringia-based BDA architect Max Wasserkampf and Saxony-Anhalt-based BDA architect Matthias Dreßler – awarded three prizes of 600 euros each and four honourable mentions of 300 euros each:
An overview of all prize-winners:
Julia Anna Janiel (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Wetland Pavilion Laboratory, North Bay, Hudson, NY, USA
Design supervisor: Prof. Verena von Beckerath
Kai Pieper & Danny Liu (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
»Das kooperative Haus« (The Cooperative House) – a large house and studio tower, Leipzig
Design supervisors: Prof. Verena von Beckerath / Univ.-Prof. Florian Summa
Josephine Galiläer (TU Dresden)
Fondazione & Atelier Aldo Rossi, Milan
Design supervisor: Prof. Ivan Reimann
An overview of all recognitions:
Laura Bracke (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Transformer 2020, Brussels
Design supervisors: Prof. Johannes Kuehn / Andreas Garkisch
Sina Dreßler (Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle)
»Ziemlich beste Nachbarn« (Basically Best Neighbours), Leipzig
Design supervisors: Prof. Rita Rentzsch / Axel Müller-Schöll
Paul Hund (TU Dresden)
»Musikinstrumentenmuseum« (Musical Instrument Museum), Markneukirchen
Design supervisors: Prof. Ansgar und Benedikt Schulz / Gerd Heise
Wilko Schmidt (TU Dresden)
Post Lockdown Living, Berlin
Design supervisors: Prof. Johannes Lott / Katharina Löser
By awarding the Study Prize, the four Central German BDA regional associations of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Thuringia hope to motivate especially talented students to make their achievements accessible to a broad, public audience. This year, the Konrad Wachsmann Study Prize 2021 is being awarded for the eighth time.
The public award ceremony will take place on 24 September 2021 at 5 pm in the Konrad Wachsmann House, Goethestraße 2, 02906 Niesky.
Details and jury statements in the minutes of the jury meeting
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