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Welcome back!
Welcome to our third alumni newsletter of the Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU) at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar!
Read on to hear more about the alumni meet-ups and Urbanistikball in June, what our alumna Arnisa Halili is currently doing after completing her Master's degree in European Urban Studies and how you can collaborate with us for future alumni newsletter and stay connected with the IfEU.
What's in this newsletter?

Save the date(s)
Alumni bar night
The European Urban Studies alumni circle is growing more and more with every generation of graduates, and we are excited to see familiar faces spreading to so many cities across the globe! This year, we have set the goal to zoom out a little bit and strengthen the community of EUS students and alumni, and reunite with as many of you as we can. We are going to try and bring our alumni circles closer together by organisng some evening gatherings in different cities, so you can meet EUS alumni in your city. Please follow this https://terminplaner.dfn.de/3gRpd9HvcwRi83cu and let us know about your location and time preferences.
Alumni meet-ups and Urbanistikball
Apart from the gatherings in your cities, we are hoping to also meet you all in Weimar in the summer and to hear what you’ve been up to since finishing your degree at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. That's why we want to invite you to our EUS and Urbanistik alumni meet-ups and the Urbanistikball in June this year. Further details about the exact date will be communicated later.
We are thrilled to welcome you back in Weimar and hope we can together enjoy some of the best events Weimar has to offer this summer!

Meet Arnisa Halili!
Arnisa is one of our alumni and graduated last year with the MSc European Urban Studies. Although she has graduated, she is not done with Weimar and BUW just yet, and we are here for it! Find out more about her path in academia after graduation below.
Master’s degree at BUW: M.Sc. European Urban Studies
Graduation: 2022
Master's thesis topic: Strategies of self-employed migrant women in family-run restaurants during the COVID-19 Pandemic. An analysis of transformed workspaces

Call for contributions
Come and share your experiences with other alumni from across the international IfEU alumni network! You are warmly invited to submit your portrait for future alumni newsletter editions (ifeu.studium@). archit.uni-weimar.de
Want to stay connected?
Do you want to stay connected and receive further alumni newsletters in the future?
Please contact us via ifeu.studium@ to be added to the EUS alumni mailing list. archit.uni-weimar.de
Please contact the Urbanistik-Alumni-Verein via urbanistik-weimar@lists.posteo.de to be added to the Urbanistik alumni mailing list.
Please use the following registration form to be added to the general Bauhaus-Universität Weimar alumni network.
Please let us also know, if you would like to unsubscribe from the alumni mailing list.