Programme Advanced Urbanism (M.Sc.)

The Masters Programme »Advanced Urbanism« in the study course »Integrated Urban Development and Design« (IUUD) is a joint programme conducted in collaboration with the College for Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji-University, Shanghai. In the course of this programme, students will spend one year in China.

The first and second semesters take place in Weimar, while the third and fourth semester will be spent in Shanghai. All courses are taught in English. Three of the four semesters will deepen the scientific knowledge and impart basics in applied practice within the complex of integrated urban development and design.   

Each university adapts the content of courses according to its specific syllabus. The study projects in the second and third semester deal with a specific urban and/or spatial issue. The issue is worked on using scientific and/or design methods and in an interdisciplinary as well as practical manner.

The fourth semester is dedicated to writing the Masters thesis. This phase of research and writing is accompanied by regular intervals of colloquiums. In order to successfully conclude the Masters programme, the Masters thesis - a scientific or research-based project-focused work - as well as an oral examination have to be completed. Once students have passed all Masters examinations, students receive a double degree with a single title from each of the universities: A "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and a "Master of Engineering" (M.Eng.) from Tongji-University Shanghai.