ሠላም bauhaus Exhibition
This exhibition explores past, present, and future of the intensive international university cooperation between Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the EiABC in Ethiopia
Exhibition topic
»ሠላም bauhaus« means »hello bauhaus« in Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia. Together with the visitor, this exhibition explores past, present, and future of the intensive international university cooperation between Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the EiABC in Ethiopia, and the phenomenon of rapidly growing cities in Ethiopia specifically and in Africa in General.
The exhibition includes an experimental bamboo pavillion and a framework programm with movie screenings and Ethiopian coffee ceremony.
»ሠላም bauhaus« took place in Weimar, Germany in July 2019 and in Addis Ababa in October 2019.
Following the overall topic of the exhibition of sustainable and resilient cities, all materials used in the exhibition are recycled, re-used or upcycled afterwards.
Videos and Links related to the Exhibition
ሠላም bauhaus - ECL-AA Exhibition 2019
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ሰላም bauhaus - How do you see the future of ECL-AA?
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A video on the future of ECL-AA from the perspective of the members
The exhibition is ideated and prepared by a team of BUW and EiABC students supported by the "integrated infrastructure" team as well as a curator from Germany. For further information on the exhibition, please contact the ECL-AA scientific directors and project members:
Ingo Helmedag, Israel Tesfu, Martin Dennemark, Metadel Sileshi, Nicole Baron, Philippe Schmidt, Sven Schneider.
Bereket Telayneh, Ermias Tizazu, Feven Mekuria, Jacob Pertz, Joel Darge, Karen Modrei, Kokeb Solomon, Liya Haddis, Luis Rutz, Marco Reusch, Marta Manzuoli, Nikodimos Asrat, Paulos Yeneneh, and Yannick Lindner.