Thesis Archive

Architecture as a communicative tool

The present work makes an advantage of the famous slogan “form follows function” Sullivan (1896), the aim of this work is to manipulate the dialogue between the forms and functions of architectural components on the one hand and people on the other.

Syria... the other side

In 2020, Dubai is going to host the World Exposition titled as "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future" . For the purpose of this occasion, this project presents a conceptual design for the Syrian pavilion.

Movement matters - interactive architecture - a discussion of space experiences in the digital era

This master thesis explores new ideas on dynamic architectural surfaces and their possible applications for creating two-way forms of communication between people and spaces by means of interactive technologies, such as 3D printing and sensoring. The implications of both physical and mental human movement in architectural environments are considered and various examples are presented, which include art installations and specific architectural innovations.

Interdisciplinary, intercultural, interactive: exploring new exhibiting practices

The feeling of being foreign in a particular place or environment is among the emerging questions not only to millennials, but also to many other people. Persons, whose country of birth ceased to exist, and those, who found their country in a state of war and were forced to exile; and those, who under different circumstances don’t feel like they belong anymore, they all relate to this feeling.

The mysterious Theater Machine

Anlässlich des 100. Todestages von Georg II entwickelten die MediaArchitecture Studierenden in Kooperation mit Medieninformatik-Studierenden eine interaktive Fassadenprojektion.

Game-based multi-user public interaction

This thesis is about urban interactive games and public engagement in new media art. It´s about experimenting and searching new ways and devices for using public space and connecting people, to create the relationship between the human, computer and urban space. The focus is on games, because they are one of the best means of creating connection and collaboration between strangers.

Hybrid Cinema

Hybride Verschmelzungen von Audiovisuellen Inhalten im Realen und Virtuellen Raum.

Mit der enormen Zunahme der neuen Präsentationsformen und Verbreitungswege von Bewegtbildern wird man gegenwärtig oft mit der Hypothese "Kino ist tot" konfrontiert. Wie könnte aber das "Kino" mithilfe neuer Medien und seinem historischen Erlebnis-Faktor das besondere Flair zurückgewinnen?