Article on Artificial Intelligence in Architecture
In the current issue of the journal "Informationen zur Raumplanung" we present and discuss the use of AI in architectural design.
The current issue of the german journal "Informationen zur Raumplanung" (IzR) focuses on Artificial Intelligence for Planning. Since "computers are becoming more and more powerful and the amount of available data is growing rapidly", the issue asks, "how should we as a society deal with the new, almost endless possibilities? One thing is certain: AI can change life in cities and rural areas in the future: By automatically linking and analyzing data and, in the best case, using it to prepare important political and planning decisions. Terms such as Big Data, automation, artificial neural networks and machine learning play a key role here. By means of newly connected systems and exchanged information, AI should not only optimize processes, but also reveal new lines of action."
In our article on "AI for Architectural Design" we present our own work on AI-based methods for generating, analysing and exploring architectural design variants.
Link to the journal: elibrary.steiner-verlag.de/journal/izr/48/3