
Typologies & Spatial Patterns of Belief

Master Thesis by Alejandra Urrutia
Study Programme Integrated Urban Development & Design

In this Master Thesis Alejandra Urrutia investigates the relation between settlement patterns, the location of churches and mosques and the location choice of residents.


This work focuses on the spatial compositions and social dynamics of religious or sacred spaces and its immediate surrounding areas in the cities of Kon, Mer’Awi and Gondar, located in the Amhara Region of
Ethiopia. Rapid urbanization and development in Ethiopia alongside with internal national conflicts inz recent years are transforming the spatial configurations of these towns and cities. This study offers insight
into the dynamics and influence of religious space in the development of settlement pattern composition, based on the socio-spatial relations of the two most predominant religions in Ethiopia; Orthodox Christianism and Islam. After examining the collected data and social analysis questionnaires, diverse spatial and social behavioral patterns can be derived per city, allowing us to determine how people decide to settle in accordance to their religious affiliation. To be able to determine percentages of inhabitants in relation to the location of mosques and churches in order to see if there is a specific pattern of socio-spatial order that could cause possible segregation or cohesion between different religious social groups. This qualitative analysis is performed to include religious space in future urban planning, since religion is a strong denotative characteristic of the Ethiopian culture and tradition.

Thesis PDF - Typologies & Spatial Pattern of Belief