
Newsletter 04.2022

1. Used book sale – June 8th and 9th in the library

Do you prefer owning books to borrowing them? On June 8th and 9th there will be a book sale in the university library. Between 10am and 3pm we sell withdrawn books at low prices in the entrance area. Books from all subject areas are on offer, but especially from engineering, natural science and the humanities.

2. »Writing for future« - the Long Night of Academic Writing 2022

Don’t miss it! On June 23rd 2022 the Long Night of Academic Writing will be held in the university library. Bauhaus Research School and the library would like to welcome you between 6pm and midnight with a varied hybrid schedule around sustainability and writing. Look forward to workshops on site as well as online, a sustainability workshop, inspiring talks, an exhibition, film screenings, counselling and lots of reading material. Attendance is free of charge and anyone interested is invited.
Special Guests:
Writers for Future - Theresa Hannig & Stefanie Rückert

»Komm nach Pantopia. Hier sind alle willkommen!« | Reading and conversation with Theresa Hannig | starting 6 pm | Audimax | moderated by Dr. Katrin Richter

»Stell Dir vor: eine Reise in die klimagerechte Zukunft« | Writing workshop with Stefanie Rückert | starting 8 pm | Lounge

3. New service - »WEKA Business Portal«

The university library has now licensed six modules in the information and management portal:
·         Waste law
·         Building codes in pictures (for all federal states)
·         Energy efficient and sustainable building according to GEG
·         Emission control law
·         Handling waste correctly
·         Water law
The service provides access to EU, federal and state regulations, BG regulations, work aids and training slides in Powerpoint format, and will serve to replace the traditional loose leaf edition in the library’s collection with comfortable ways to do research. Please look for further information on the »WEKA Business Portal« and learn how to get started with your research in the database information system DBIS.

4. F.A.Z.-Bibliotheksportal – now with audio

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has expanded its online archive by multimedia files in the form of over 1000 podcasts.
Access to the F.A.Z.-Bibliotheksportal is licensed from within the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar network. Start your research in the database information system DBIS.

5. On the current situation of Ukrainian libraries and librarians

Distressed by the events in Ukraine we monitor the situations of libraries in the country, who are forced to adapt their work to the war.
A public digital exchange on the situation of Ukrainian libraries and librarians made obvious how committed our fellow librarians are to maintaining library services while staying involving in society. A wide variety of services are kept going and adapted in order to facilitate freedom of opinion and social participation. Additionally, measures are being taken to protect and preserve library collections, and thus Ukrainian cultural heritage. In close cooperation with the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Coordination Office for the Preservation of Written Cultural Heritage (KEK), the German National Library is playing a central part in supporting Ukrainian libraries.
The event »Zur ak­tu­el­len Si­tua­ti­on ukrai­ni­scher Bi­blio­the­ken und Bi­blio­the­kar*in­nen: Kol­la­bo­ra­ti­on, Ko­ope­ra­ti­on und Un­ter­stüt­zung« was organized by the German Library Association in cooperation with the Ukrainian Library Association and Goethe Institut. A recording of the English language exchange is available online.

6. Fourth Thuringian FDM Days – schedule now online

The Thuringian Research Data Management days will take place from June 20th – 24th 2022 under the motto »Improve the way you work! – Tools for Research Data Management«. Each of the four participating Thuringian universities will introduce one category of digital research data management tools. Online lectures and workshops will allow insights as well as, partly, trial runs oft he applications. The FDM Days schedule is online. You will find the ways to register listed with each individual event.

Stefanie Röhl