
Newsletter 02.2023

1. Exhibitions in the University Library

Several informative and artistic exhibitions are on display at the University Library in April. Feel free to visit them free of charge during our opening hours:

»60 Jahre 'Nackt unter Wölfen'«
(60 years of 'Naked Among Wolves')
On the 60th anniversary of the DEFA film adaptation of Bruno Apitz' novel, 15 informative stations in the upper library foyer invite you to read and linger. The exhibition »60 Jahre 'Nackt unter Wölfen'« was developed at the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Erfurt and will be on display at the University Library until the end of April.

»Rosa Winkel. Als homosexuell verfolgte Häftlinge in den Konzentrationslagern Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora«
(Rosa Winkel. Prisoners Persecuted as Homosexuals in the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camps)
Based on numerous photos, documents and memoirs, some of which are being presented to the public for the first time, this exhibition tells the story of the conditions under which prisoners persecuted as homosexuals suffered in the two concentration camps and what experiences of discrimination and criminalization they suffered from even after liberation.
From April 01-29, the Diversity Department in cooperation with the University Library of the Bauhaus University Weimar presents in the lower foyer the traveling exhibition »Rosa Winkel. Als homosexuell verfolgte Häftlinge in den Konzentrationslagern Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora«, which was developed under the direction of Dr. Daniel Schuch and Prof. Dr. Jens-Christian Wagner together with students of the FSU Jena in cooperation with the Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora Buchenwald. On April 3 at 5 p.m., the president of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Peter Benz, will open the exhibition. You are cordially invited!

Peter Heckwolf »Graphische Arbeiten«
(Peter Heckwolf »graphic works«)
There will soon be another exhibition inside the library as well: From April 20 to May 25, Peter Heckwolf, long-time artistic director of the printing workshops of the Faculty of Art and Design, will present artistic works of his own. With the exhibition »Graphische Arbeiten« Peter Heckwolf bids farewell after almost 30 years of teaching. You are cordially invited to the exhibition opening on April 19 at 6 p.m. in the lounge.

The literature collection »Erinnern gestalten« (Shaping Remembrance), a platform for public discourse on the politics of history in Germany, which will be continued in the summer semester 2023, accompanies the exhibitions with texts on the remembrance of the National Socialist past as well as perspectives on reinterpretations of the politics of remembrance. All project information as well as the continuously expanded literature list can be found online.

2. »Wissen erobern. Schüler*innen entdecken Weimarer Bibliotheken« (Conquering Knowledge. Pupils discover Weimar libraries«)

Students at the library event »Wissen erobern« (Conquering Knowledge) in the auditorium of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Photo: Candy Welz

After a three-year break due to the pandemic, this year in March more than 400 pupils from the upper secondary schools in the city of Weimar and the Weimarer Land region took part in this cooperation project in present. The goal is to show the pupils how public libraries can help them with their seminar papers.
To kick off the event, Dr. Simon Frisch, Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Media, gave a lecture on what is expected of future students from a university perspective. Afterwards, the students learned how to proceed with scientific research based on the fictitious seminar paper topic »Climate Strike«. Finally, they were able to apply what they had learned in the reading areas of the university library: at various stations, some of the students had the opportunity to gain access to the library collection in different ways.
Further information about the project can be found in the media information and on our website.

3. »Basically FAIR!« - FAIRest Dataset 2023

The FAIRest Dataset competition is being held for the fourth time in Thuringia. You can submit your published dataset by the end of April to be evaluated according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). This year's theme is »Basically FAIR!« because in conjunction with the Thuringian FDM Days, we will look back at the basic principles of research data management as well as changes and developments over the past five years. The winner will be awarded a prize at the FDM Days from June 19-23 and can receive prize money of up to 2,000 euros. More information on how to participate is available here.

4. Change in opening hours over the Easter holidays

The University Library will be closed over the Easter holidays, i.e. from Friday, April 07 to Monday, April 10 (including Saturday).
The University Library team wishes you a happy Easter!

5. Technical disruption of the library system from 15 - 17 April

Due to maintenance work, the library catalog and the library account as well as the self-checkout (lending and return) will probably not be usable or only to a limited extent between April 15 and 17. We kindly ask for your understanding. If necessary, you will receive further information via our homepage.

Stefanie Röhl