The title, »When the Sky Falls, Use It as a Blanket«, a Chinese proverb, symbolizes one of the central points of the generational conflict: one side wants to forget, while the other cannot and does not want to forget. Under this »blanket«, the filmmakers navigate the web of the »visible« and the »unspoken«.
Thai-Tai Pham's experimental film, Thi Mai Trang Vo's hybrid documentary, and Hai Anh Trieu's narrative film offer powerful insights into how a marginalized group copes with the pandemic, builds bridges between two (seemingly) different worlds, and explores a family history. The filmmakers confront the question of how traumas, sometimes deeply rooted in the past, affect our present and how the community can practice healing and love.
»Invisible Diaspora« (Thái Tài Phạm), 6 min
»Fungi Monster« (Thị Mai Trang Võ and Nadja Ißler), 30 min
»I Loved You First« (Hải Anh Triệu), 12 min
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