summaery2023: Projekte

Les Fleurs de la Maladie


eingereicht von
Atidh Jonas Langbein

Anne-Fleur Ising

kein Lehrformat / Anne-Fleur Ising, Atidh Jonas Langbein, Helio Spieß

Architektur und Urbanistik

Architektur (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2023

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Freifläche 5 / area 5 (zwischen Prellerhaus und Bauhaus.Atelier)

Helio Spieß, Gianna Neumann, Hannah Fuchsenberger - hagijo kollektiv
Festival d'Architectures Vives
Kreativfonds Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Deutsch-Französischer Bürgerfonds


Covid-19 rapid tests became our constant companions and guarantors of health, safety and a light conscience during the last three years of the pandemic. Health was more then ever defined as the greatest sanctuary in our society, which stood still in order to save it. With a field of expired Covid-19 tests we participated at the Festival des Architectures Vives in Montpellier.
Inhabiting a otherwise inaccessible courtyard they sway or stand still, depending on the weather conditions. They speak of uncertainty that (the) disease(s) brings. While the Covid-19 tests give momentary security, health - or in this case, the field - is always in a fragile state that can be thrown off balance at any time by external factors.
At the same time, the materials used in the installation reflect issues of sustainability and our treatment of the environment as both the tests and the platform would have otherwise been discarded.
The tests expired in the stock of a highschool before being used. The boards are the Eiermann table tops that got sorted out in the main building of the Bauhaus University.