Designing out of the Box | HumanTetris / DiverCity
eingereicht von
Eva Girzalsky
Michaela Honauer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva Hornecker
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2021
DiverCity | The concept
The life in the 21st century is characterized by complexity, acceleration, efficiency, change and globalization which causes a feeling of insecurity, instability and of getting lost in communities. Especially in pandemic times, it is hard to develop to the full, to identify and not to feel lonely and lost.
Approaching this issue, my aim is to reinforce the sense of community or belonging and make aware of its diversity.
Addressing fast-moving cities which are concerned by the globalization process, my project concept “DiverCity” (re)connects citizens through interactive urban play.
HumanTetris | The prototype
As a part of the umbrella concept “DiverCity” I developed “HumanTetris”, an interactive outdoor installation, shown in public places.
This group game – inspired by Tetris – consists of two 4x4-grids:
16 light panels in the vertical and 16 walkable floor panels in the horizontal.
While the light and floor panels are directly connected to one another, momentary pushbuttons are installed in the floor panels to continuously sense movement triggering several light scenarios. The better the users cooperate and interact with HumanTetris, the sooner the light panels immerse the public place in multiple colors.
The game is designed as an interactive group experience. The installation’s dimension (each panel measures 50x50cm) requires a group of people with different body types making the citizens aware of being a part of their diverse community.
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