Kai-Florian Richter
University of Zurich,
Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis
Space and spatial information are omnipresent in our life. We interact
with and communicate about space all the time. Thus, it could be said
that spatial is mundane. However, people often argue that spatial is
special. This seeming contradiction can (at least in part) be attributed to differences how humans and computers (can) deal with space. In my talk, I will present some examples from projects I have been involved in that illustrate some of the issues of dealing with spatial information in human-computer interaction. I will also argue for the benefits of getting the computer to adapt to the human user instead of forcing the user to adapt to the machine.
Short bio.
Dr. Kai-Florian Richter is a Lecturer in the Geographic Information
Visualization and Analysis unit at the Department of Geography,
University of Zurich, Switzerland, where he leads the Spatial Cognitive
Engineering group. His major interests are in (spatial) decision making
and decision support. His research is at the interface of GIScience,
Spatial Cognition, and Artificial Intelligence. Prior to coming to
Zurich, Dr. Richter was a Lecturer in Geomatics at the Department of
Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia, and
an Associate Scholar at the School of Information Sciences, the
University of Pittsburgh, USA. Kai-Florian Richter received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Bremen, Germany. In Bremen, he was part of the Cognitive Systems group and of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition.
time: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 1:30pm
location: Seminar room 015, Bauhausstraße 11
Contact: Usability Research Group, Sven Bertel, sven.bertel[at]uni-weimar.de
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