Landscapeart /Artlandscape

Tobias Micke, Berlin

ST raum a. was founded by the landscape architects Stefan Jäckel and  Tobias Micke in Berlin and have at their disposal 20 coworkers. Availabe services are planning and construction management as well as masterplanning, competitions and expert’s reports for outdoor installation and city planning projects.The spectrum of realized national and international projects comprises city squares and pedestian zones, parks, outdoor installations for residential and business houses, for stadiums, embassies and schools as well as horticultural shows. Every project is distinguished by its individuality. Apart from the desires of the clients and users, historical, cultural and ecological aspects are taken into consideration. The name ST raum a. stands for „Stadt (city) Raum (space) and architecture. Therein, the affinity to shaping space, artistic design and a broach interdisciplinary approach becomes clear. Eine Zusammenarbeit des Programms Master of Fine Arts der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar mit dem ACC.
Vortrag in englischer Sprache

ACC Redaktion (28.10.2010)

Montag, 29. November 2010, 19:00 Uhr, ACC Galerie
Eintritt: frei!