Artist’s Dream

Die Veranstaltung mit Marion Hohlfeldt entfällt wegen Krankheit.

During the European Capital of Culture in Weimar in 1999, Jochen Gerz tells a story on billboards that plays with layers of memory and fiction. This is based on several rumours that link Weimar and Bu­chen­wald through a radiating light. Inhabitants get a chance to speak, debate history and the present day of the town. Just like in an endless mirroring of fiction and memory, Artist’s Dream Goethe in Buchenwald captures in a poetic manner some leitmotifs of Gerz’ work that will be examined in this lecture. Marion Hohlfeldt is a senior lecturer in art history at Rennes 2 University, France. Specialising in art and public space for the last 15 years, she is head of the research program PACT and of MAPS — Master Art and Public Space. She is currently preparing a monograph on the work of Jochen Gerz.

Eine Vortrags- und Gesprächsreihe zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und zu neuen künstlerischen Strategien in Zusammenarbeit des Programms Master of Fine Arts der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar mit dem ACC.
Vortrag in englischer Sprache.

Caroline Bellstedt (17.12.2015)

Montag, 18. Januar 2016, 19:00 Uhr, ACC Galerie
Eintritt: frei!