„Form Follows Fun(ction) – On the Architectonics of/Architecture in Game Worlds“
Marc Bonner | University of Cologne | December 10, 2019 | 6 pm | Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7,
Lecture Hall
Talk by Dr Marc Bonner, University of Cologne, about the media specific constitution of the game intrinsic space and its parallels to spaces of illusion in a cultural historical context.
Marc's talk is part of the seminar "Think, Play, Create. Architecture in Computer Games between Theory and Art", conducted by Jörg Brinkmann (Art & Design), Gianluca Pandolfo (Media) and Ulrike Kuch (Architecture & Urbanism, Chair of Theory and History of Architecture).
The event is supported as Bauhaus.Module by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.