Urban Redevelopment

1. "Urban Redevelopment"

Unter der Leitung von Marco Cremaschi (Rom) und in Kooperation mit der Helsinki University of Technology, dem University College of London, der Ben-Gurion University, der METU Ankara, Colliers der Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme de l'Aire urbaine Nancéienne, Urban Splash, PLANUM, Columbia University,  der Corporacion Puerto Madero Buenos Aires und dem Instituto urbano,Curitiba)

This proposal aims at a multisite Initial Training Network that addresses two issues: the contribution that city redevelopment gives to the European economy competitiveness; the intricacy and multidisciplinarity of the management of redevelopment processes, as well as their long term social and environmental impacts. Training in this field is provided by a huge variety of schools. Instead, skill assessments pointed out the need of an integrated approach, and of mixing "soft" and "hard" capacities, leadership and technical competences. The research and training programs aim at educating young researchers to this mix of skills and competences, in order to improve their awareness of the redevelopment process.