Contested Spaces - Religious Sociospheres

2. Contested Spaces - Religious Sociospheres in the Global City

Antrag mit John Eade, Centre for Research on Nationalism Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
(Roehampton University, UK) im Rahmen der Britisch-Deutschen Forschungskooperation (DFG/AHRC)

The globalisation of cities has substantially changed their social and cultural landscapes. The influx of large groups of migrants has led to the emergence of a wide variety of religious groups. The religiosity of the migrants is subject to substantial change, especially in the cities. Through the multilayered process of adjusting global religiosity to a local-spatial embedding (glocalisation), different religious spheres have emerged and are expressed spatially through everyday life practices and urban societal institutions. This research project will explore the ways in which two cities - London and Frankfurt - can be understood as places of similar or different religious spheres in conditions of what Vertovec has called 'super-diversity' (Vertovec, 2009). The research will focus specifically on the different religious areas, practices and institutions in both cities and the conflicts which have developed around the meaning of individual places.