Projects Archive

Fantasy is Reality: Interfaces for Hanging in There

Description: Fantasy is reality in the world today
I'll keep hanging in there, that's the only way
–Parliament, 1970

Heavy times demand not only solidarity, ingenuity and resilience from us all, but also the capacity to fantasize a different existence thereafter. While societal disruptions resulting from armed conflict, natural disaster, famine and pandemic have accompanied homo sapiens sapiens since time immemorial, the world at present finds itself in the midst of the first generation of ubiquitous global crises to unfold in the post-information age.

New nature in park on the Ilm

The aim of the project is to make aware of our nature in park at the Ilm in the context of climate change. Students sense the natural environment and make the invisible data of energy flow perceivable. The task is to intensify the multisensory perception of natural phenomena. Record sound, sense water data (flow rate, temperature gradients, pollution) and store light, observe generation and degeneration of nature and present a “new image” of nature and natural processes.
Mobile media installations will create a special atmosphere related to the natural and architectural context in the park at river Ilm. The media installation should add a new layer of meaningful information to create an interesting environment for interactive communication. Users should become present and be involved in the presentation of the spatial installation through different pattern of communication. The design of a multisensory space, pavilion or other special environment is part of the design project.