
Unfolded Screenshot from a 360° Video showing the ECL-AA Villa at the Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.
Unfolded Screenshot from a 360° Video showing the ECL-AA Villa at the Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.
Erstellt: 30. September 2018

Award for 360° Videos in Teaching

InfAR uses 360° videos in teaching to exchange on-site experiences between Germany and Ethiopia. This approach was awareded at a Call for 360° at the networking event of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

360° Streetview images are available online for many locations. They make it easier to experience spaces without being physically present. For planners it is helpful to get a rough feeling for the surroundings. In Ethiopia, this kind of material is almost unavailable. Since 360° cameras are now inexpensive, we have used the opportunity to create 360° material for our own teaching. On our project website (under 360° Videos > Seriti, Wurer or Dannisa) we have mapped links to the individual 360° videos on a map, so that students can be redirected directly to a 360° videos, experience it immersively and locate themselves. It does not replace the visit on site and further restricts the view to a certain place and time. By editing the videos, however, further information, similar to augmented reality, can be added to enrich the spatial experience.


The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung awarded our approach to the use in teaching at their networking event in 2018 ( Our video and the interesting use cases of the other awardees are viewable here: