Thalles Vichiato Breda


Thalles Vichiato Breda is a PhD candidate at the Department of Postgraduate in Sociology at UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos) and a PhD candidate at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany), had a CAPES (Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement - Brazil) scholarship between 2021 and 2022, is a researcher of the Network Sagemm: Social Activities, Gender, Markets and Mobilities from below (Latin America) and Assistant Editor of Contemporânea - Journal of Sociology at UFSCar. He was Visiting Researcher at the Technical University of Berlin (2019), Assistant Researcher at IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement - France) in 2020 and 2021 and Editor-in-Chief of Áskesis - Journal of the students of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at UFSCar, from 2019 to 2021. He holds a Master's degree in Sociology from the Department of Postgraduate in Sociology, UFSCar (2018), a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences (UFSCar - 2014), with emphasis in Sociology and Political Science and a Licentiate’s degree in Social Sciences (UNESP - 2021). Has experience in Sociology, working mainly on the following topics: Urban Sociology, Production of Urban Space, Social Management, Social Housing and Social Policies.


Changes in Contemporary Brazilian Housing Policy: The Dismantling of Social Housing and Grassroots Mobilization

The Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) program was created in 2009 by then-President Lula. Focused on the production of Social Housing (for the low-income population) and Market Housing (for the middle class), it had contracted about 5.5 million housing. Being the only federal program and present in the most diverse Brazilian cities, it has become a model of urban development. After the coup d'état in 2016, with the ousting of President Dilma Rousseff (Workers' Party), the MCMV was drastically reduced until its extinction in 2020, under the Bolsonaro government. In the last six years, some laws and regulations on social housing and urbanization have been created. The hypothesis of this research indicates that these frameworks have updated the forms of production of the territories of poverty, the dispute for urban space, the forms of production of housing demand, and the relationship with the State and different agents in the access to social housing. This research aims to understand: (a) the institutional changes related to social housing and access to urban land in Brazil over the last decade at the national level - with the creation of the MCMV as a landmark, the creation of laws and regulations carried out in the Temer (2016 - 2018) and Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022) governments; (b) the forms of popular organization and production of collective demand in the search for social/popular housing within land occupations; (c) which agents and scales are involved in these occupations and what are their relations with the State and civil society. The methodology is based on an ethnographic analysis of 3 land occupations (2014, 2016, 2020) struggling for home ownership in São Carlos (São Paulo), on literature review, analysis of legal documents, and housing policy performance.



GEORGES, I. P. H.; RIZEK, C. S.; BREDA, T. V. (orgs.). (2022) Produção e Reprodução das Formas de Sociabilidade: Dimensões Territoriais e Multi-Escalares [Production and Reproduction of Forms of Sociability: Territorial and Multi-Scale Dimensions]. São Paulo: Alameda.

Journal articles

BREDA, T. V. (2022) Changes in Contemporary Brazilian Housing Policy: The Dismantling of Social Housing and Grassroots Mobilization. Metropolitics. Available at:

BREDA, T. V. (2022) A importância das Revistas Discentes de Sociologia: desafios e perspectivas [The role of Sociology Student Journals: challenges and perspectives.}. Áskesis, v. 11, Special edition, p. 17-37.

PINHO, I. V.; BREDA, T. V.; MALLAK, F. K. (2022). “Ganhar” e “Perder” a casa: (i)mobilidades de mulheres nas periferias de São Paulo [“Winning” and “Losing” Home: the (im)mobilities of women in the outskirts of São Paulo]. Contemporânea - Journal of Sociology at UFSCar.

BREDA, T. V. (2022) Produzindo estatísticas, produzindo cidades: uma análise dos indicadores de déficit e demanda habitacional do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida [Producing statistics, producing cities: an analysis of housing deficit and housing demand indicators in the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program]. Estudos de Sociologia, Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da UFPE (Accepted for publication).

BREDA, T. V.; SABADIN, A. C. (2021) Na tessitura da experiência: breves notas sobre o fazer editorial na Revista Áskesis. Ensaios.

BREDA, T. V. (2020) Narrativas urbanas: acesso à moradia, organização familiar e a (re)produção do espaço urbano [Urban Narratives: Access to housing, family organization and the (re)production of urban space]. Iluminuras Journal, v.21, p.159 – 188.

BREDA, T. V. (2018) A produção dos indicadores sociais no contexto neoliberal: O caso do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida [The production of social indicators in the neoliberal context: The case of the My Home My Life Program]. ÁSKESIS., v.7, p.117 – 131.

BREDA, T. V. (2018) Sociabilidades em negociação: sobre raça, gênero e masculinidades na periferia urbana de São Carlos/ SP [Sociabilities in negotiation: about race, gender and masculinities in the urban periphery of São Carlos/SP]. ÁSKESIS., v.7, p.105 - 116.

SILVA, S. R. M.; BREDA, T. V.; SIQUEIRA, B. V.; SILVA, R. S. (2015) Mutações nas dinâmicas socioespaciais das periferias urbanas: reflexos na diversidade urbana e na composição social [Mutations in the socio-spatial dynamics of urban peripheries: reflections on urban diversity and social composition]. AR: Cadernos da Faculdade De Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, v.8, p.16 - 23.

BREDA, T. V.; GOBBI, L. A. (2015) Modificação de práticas sociais analisado pelo viés institucional: lei de Cotas e a participação da mulher na política brasileira. Revista Florestan, v.4, p.201 – 208.

Published book chapters

BREDA, T. V. (2022) The kaleidoscope of Brazilian social housing policy: a study case of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program. In: The Social Dimension of Social Housing. Simon Güntner, Judith Lehner, Juma Hauser and Christoph Reinprecht (Orgs.). 1 ed. Vienna: Spector Books (in press).

BREDA, T. V. (2022). A economia política da terra: as elites e a produção das periferias pobres [The political economy of land: upper classes and the production of poor peripheries] In: Produção e Reprodução das Formas de Sociabilidade: Dimensões Territoriais e Multi-Escalares.1 ed. São Paulo: Editora Alameda.

BREDA, Thiara Vichiato; BREDA, T. V. (2021) Saberes cartográficos nos currículos escolares: um mapeamento do PCN ao BNCC. In: Geografia e Currículo: tensões, reflexões e práticas. GUIMARÃES, Ferreira et al. (Orgs.). EDUFBA: Salvador.

BREDA, Thiara Vichiato; BREDA, T.V. (2021) Da política pluralista para a cartografia pluralista: contribuições da Teoria do Discurso [From pluralist politics to pluralist cartography: contributions from Discourse Theory]. In: Rafael Straforini et al. (Org.). Políticas educacionais e ensino de geografia: Sentidos de currículo, práticas e formação docente. 1st ed. Jundiaí: Paco Editorial.

Special edition

BREDA, T. V.; SABADIN, A. C. (Orgs.). (2022) Em defesa da Sociologia [In defense of Sociology]. 1. Ed. São Carlos: Áskesis, v.11. Special edition.

BREDA, T. V. et al. (Orgs.) . (In)cômodos. 1. ed. São Carlos: Áskesis, 2020. v. 9. Special edition.


Social Housing

Land Occupations

Brazilian Housing Policy

Social Policy
