Wintersemester 2009/2010

Wintersemester 2009/2010

Vorlesungsverzeichnis WS 2009/2010 (Stand: 13.10.09)
für die Studiengänge des Institutes für Europäische Urbanistik

Course catalogue WS 2009/2010
for the study programmes at the Institute for European Urban Studies 


Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Christ
wo 2 V     Städtebau / Stadtplanung     3 Credits

Städtebau der Europäischen Stadt
Städtebau ist gestaltende Stadtplanung. Dabei reicht heute der Planungshorizont vom Quartier bis zur Stadtregion. Die Europäische Stadt gilt als Synonym für die kompakte, komplexe, konturierte und baulich-räumlich kultivierte Siedlungsform. Städtebau der Europäischen Stadt folgt im 21. Jahrhundert den Prinzipien und Werten der traditionellen Stadtbaukultur, doch Raumstruktur und Architektur, Planungs-, Entscheidungs- und Bauprozesse verlangen neue Lösungen.

Anhand anschaulicher Best Practice-Beispiele gibt die Vorlesung einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand des Städtebaus in Deutschland, Europa und den USA. Die urbanen Bausteine der Stadt, vom Haus über Parzelle, Straße und Platz, Quartier und Stadt, Landschaft und Region bis zu urbanen Korridoren und Metropolregionen werden konzeptionell erläutert. In jeder Vorlesung wird ein Buch vorgestellt und zur Lektüre empfohlen.

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Mittwoch, 09:15 - 10:45 Uhr
Ort: Wilhelm-Bodestraße 1, Räume 101-104
Beginn: 14.10.2009
Einschreibung: in der ersten Vorlesung

Dr.-Ing. Harald Kegler
wo 2 V     Städtebau / Urban Design     3 Credits

Urban Conversion – History, Strategies, Concepts, Projects (Germany, Europe, USA)
Urban Conversion (Redevelopment) is a response to social, functional and technical, but also ecological change. What lies behind the term “Urban Conversion” in theory and practice? There are three large-scale fields of action intended: firstly, the conversion of the city-centre, also known as ‘rejuvenation’; secondly, the redevelopment of areas that are not being used and have become wasteland (traditionally known as conversion like brown- or greyfields); thirdly, the redevelopment of large-scale monofunctional housing estats (slaburbs) which was formally known as ‘adjustment’. There are different historical dimensions and strategies behind these types of urban conversion.

This new type of city-development could be characterized as the “Third phase of the European Urban Renewal”. The successful European Year of the Preservation of Monuments in 1975 marked the high-point of the radical change of the leitmotif. Since than the urban conversion became step by step a more fundamental dimension.

The importance of strategies, cult events, cult locations, cult plans and projects and the ‘prophets’ of the urban conversion is a mean point in the understanding of the new era of the city development. Today there could be considered: there are new subjects – the redevelopment of the urban region and the “resilient city” as a reaction of the climate change issue. In the lecture the instruments and practical projects of urban conversion will also underline the historical and theoretical discussion.

Language: English
Time: Thursday, 17:00 - 18:30
Location: Albrecht-Dürer-Str. 2, Yellow Hall
Start: October 22, 2009
Registration: during first lecture

Prof. Hilde Barz-Malfatti
wo 2 V     Städtebauliche Denkmalpflege     3 Credits

Bej Vorbeeld Amsterdam
Seit 2 Jahrzehnten verändert ein massiver Umwandlungsprozess die großen europäischen Städte. Grundlegende Funktionen, die ihre Gestalt seit der Industrialisierung geprägt haben, wie Hafengebiete, Güterbahnhöfe oder Produktionsstätten, fallen weg oder werden aus dem Stadtgebiet ausgelagert. Hierdurch entstehen große Konversionsgebiete für neue Dienstleistungs- und Wohnnutzungen sowie neue öffentliche Stadträume. Am Beispiel Amsterdam sollen – im Vergleich mit anderen Städten – Bedingungen, Strategien und Auswirkungen eins neuen Städtebaus untersucht werden. Vor allem neue urbane Wohnquartiere und öffentliche Räume sind Gegenstand der Vorlesungsreihe, zu der wir auch Fachleute einladen werden.

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Dienstag, 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr
Ort: Marienstraße 13, Hörsaal A
Beginn: 20.10.2009
Einschreibung: Professur, Belvederer Allee 4

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
wo 2 V     Stadtsoziologie / Urban Sociology     3 Credits

German Cities in Transition
Life in German cities has undergone substantial changes in the last decade. Not only the East German cities had to address new challenges after the reunification of the German nation in 1990, but also the West German cities had to reformulate their place in the complex urban networks. Cities are mirroring wider changes in German society where new social and political developments can be observed. Economical and cultural globalization has had a major impact on many aspects of urban life. This lecture will give an overview about major developments in German cities since the German reunification in 1990. It will provide both a sound source of information on the most important issues of German society and reflect important discussion of the international debate on urban studies. It starts with a historical analysis that puts German cities in a context of the industrial revolution and the dramas of the 20th century.

Language: English
Time: Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45
Location: Coudraystraße 11 C, Hörsaal 001
Start: October 29, 2009
Registration: during first lecture

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig
wo 2 V     Projektentwicklung / Project Development     3 Credits

Grundlagen und Methoden der Projektentwicklung
Basics and Methods of Real Estate Project Development
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung werden die Schwerpunkte Grundlagen der Projektentwicklung, Leistungsbild; Trends auf dem Immobilienmarkt; Standort- und Marktanalyse; Wirt-schaftlichkeitsermittlung im Rahmen der PE; Ermittlung von Kosten und Flächen behandelt. Zusätzlich zu der Vorlesung ist das Seminar Projektentwicklung zu belegen.

This lecture focusses main topics of real estate and urban development, analysis trends of the real estate market, economic calculation in phases of the development. Additional to this course the participants have to take part in the course „Real Estate Development“.

Language: German / English
Time: Wednesday, 17:00 - 18:30
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Yellow Hall
Start: October 14, 2009
Registration: during the first lecture

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard König

wo 2 V     Raumplanung / Spatial Planning     3 Credits

Simulating City
The development of cities can take different directions. It is clear that the movement of people and the behaviour of the dwellers are crucial elements to understand the groth and the decline of cities. Although there is substantial debate on urban life from different disciplines and points of depature, still it is seems difficult to define general patterns of urban development. In this series of lectures, prominent speakers from all over the world are invited to give their view on how to imagine the lines of urban logic. The lecture is based on research of the “COMSTAR” project.

Language: English
Time: Wednesday, 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Marienstraße 13, Hörsaal B
Start: 21.10.2009
Registration: during the first lecture


Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Christ
Dipl.-Ing. Christian von Oppen

wo 2 S     Städtebau / Stadtplanung     3 Credits

Das Warenhaus - urbane Typologie der Moderne
Vor 140 Jahren begann in Paris der Bau des Warenhauses ‚Au Bon Marché’, das zum Symbol einer neuen Zeit in der Entwicklung der Europäischen Stadt als Handelsstadt wurde. Von den USA ausgehend, wird dann das Warenhaus zum Inbegriff für eine Konsumkultur der Massen in einer Architektur, die einerseits zum Vorreiter moderner Baukonstruktion mit den avanciertesten Technologien und Materialien wurde und andererseits monumentalen Gestaltungsprinzipien folgte. Zusammen mit Bahnhof, Grandhotel, Oper, Theater, Museum und den Kathedralen der Industrie manifestiert das Warenhaus die Baukultur der Industrieepoche.

Das Seminar spürt der Geschichte der weltweiten Warenhausarchitektur nach, die im Kanon der Architekturtypologien der Moderne nahezu ausgeblendet wird. Forschendes Lernen wird daher im Mittelpunkt der Seminararbeit stehen.

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Dienstag, 17.00 - 18.30 Uhr
Ort: Wilhelm-Bodestraße 1, Räume 101-104
Beginn: 13.10.2009
Einschreibung: 12.10.2009, Sekretariat der Professur, Bauhausstr. 7b

Fernando Campos Medina, M.Sc.
Gonzalo Oroz, Mag. Arch.

wo 2 S     Städtebau / Urban Design     3 Credits

Neighborhoods Regeneration: Understanding different models of territorial public policy
The seminar seeks to develop a common understanding of neighborhood regeneration as a specific territorial public policy framed a) by the need for urban renewal in the context of certain contemporary transformations in the city -social structure, physical infrastructure, economical orientation– b) and also by the manner the urban phenomenon is conceptualized and understood by different social actors.

At the end of this seminar the students will be able to analyze an urban public policy from two different perspectives: a) a theoretical approach with focus on urban renewal, social cohesion and “the right to the city”, b) some theoretical notions regarding transformation in public policy, National State action and the programs of neighborhood regeneration.

The seminar is structured in five Modules: i) Urban Renewal: Physical and Social Transformation in the city, ii) Neighborhood Regeneration in a broader framework, iii) Public Policy Analysis, the new generation of territorial public policies, iv) Two study cases:
Catalonia “Llei de Barri” Law of neighborhood
and Chile “Programa Quiero mi Barrio” Program I love my neighborhood
v) Readings about Neighborhood Regeneration in Germany “Die Soziale Stadt” The Social City Program

The last two modules are thought as applied work, where students will deal in the first place with different dimensions of a neighborhood regeneration program (the case analysis of Chile and Catalonia examples); in a second stage, they will be able to go into an applied research characterizing the German experience of “Die Soziale Stadt” (1999), specifically in the region of Thuringia.

The seminar considers analysis of papers, development of critical and strategic ways to read bibliography, discussions and presentations in class, visits and excursions in neighborhoods and a final empirical or bibliographic research. It is a good opportunity for professionals with a background in subjects related to architecture to understand in a critical way the development and implementation of a territorial public policy. For persons with a background in social sciences is an opportunity to go deeply in contemporary discussions about different paradigms in public policy, state action and the re-scaling process.

For German students and especially foreign students from East Europe and Asia it is a good chance to understand a public policy developed in Germany, integrating it within the broader framework of experience of metropolis such as Barcelona and Santiago de Chile. Students with knowledge in Spanish, French and Catalan are highly welcomed to work together with students without this knowledge; the same applies to students with high skills in German due to our three cases of study (Llei de Barri, Quiero Mi Barrio and Soziale Stadt).

Language: English
Time: Tuesday, 09:15 - 12:30, block course, fortnightly (even weeks)
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 13, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Meier
Dr. phil. Eva von Engelberg

wo 2 S     Städtebauliche Denkmalpflege     3 Credits

1000 Jahre niederländische Architektur
Die Niederlande wird von vielen als Mekka der zeitgenössischen Architektur betrachtet. Dieses Seminar wirft einen Blick auf die Geschichte und fragt nach Ursprüngen, Entwicklung und Charakteristika der niederländischen Architektur. Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele vom Mittelalter bis heute wird ein Gang durch die Baugeschichte unternommen, der sowohl romanische Kirchen, gotische Rathäuser und Barockpalais als auch Wohnbauten der Moderne, den Wiederaufbau Rotterdams nach 1940 und aktuelle Kulturbauten umfasst. Ziel ist neben einem Überblick zu rund 1000 Jahren niederländischer Architektur die Vorstellung der wichtigsten Architekturströmungen (wie der holländische Klassizismus, die Amsterdamer Schule und der Strukturalismus) und der bedeutendsten Architekten von Jakob van Campen, Erbauer des Amsterdamer Rathauses, über Hendrik Petrus Berlage und den De Stijl-Künstler J. J. P. Oud bis zu aktuellen Vertretern wie Jo Coenen und Rem Koolhaas. Dabei sollen die spezifischen Charakteristika der niederländischen Architektur (gestalterisch-formale Lösungen, Bautypen, Konstruktion, Materialwahl) herausgearbeitet werden.

Erwartet wird die regelmäßige Teilnahme, ein Referat und eine schriftliche Hausarbeit (5-10 Textseiten).

Einführende Literatur:
Joseph Buch, Ein Jahrhundert niederländischer Architektur 1890-1990, München 1997
Christoph Driessen, Geschichte der Niederlande. Von der Seemacht zum Trendland, Regensburg 2009
Paul Groenendijk und Piet Vollaard, Architectural guide to the Netherlands 1900-2000, Rotterdam 2006
Hans Ibelings, 20th century architecture in the Netherlands, Rotterdam 1995
Jakob Rosenberg u.a. Dutch art and architecture: 1600 to 1800, London 1991

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Dienstag, 09:15 - 10:45 Uhr
Ort: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Raum 108
Beginn: 13.10.2009
Einschreibung: 12.10.2009, Sekretariat der Professur, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8., Zi. 123

Katrin Kanus-Sieber, M.Sc.
wo 2 S     Städtebauliche Denkmalpflege     3 Credits

Qualitative Research in Urban Heritage Preservation. Possibilities to better understand the individual logics of towns and strategies for preservation
"Qualitative Research has separate distinguished histories in education, social work,communication, psychology, history, organizational studies, medical science, anthropology and sociology." This seminar asks, how Qualitative Research methods can be implemented in the field of Urban Heritage Preservation.

Urban Preservationists often speak of historic towns having an "unique identity", that shows in the buildings and historic townscape. Is the uniqueness only a question of appearance? How can we find out about further characteristics that shape the "identity", "collective memory" or "self perception" and appearance of a historic town? Is acknowledging these interdependencies not fundamental to successfully preserve inherited buildings? The seminar approaches these questions using Qualitative Inquiry.

After a short introduction, the first block will discuss a reading on qualitative research. The students are asked to group in couples and propose a historic, small sized town for their field study. For the second block they will prepare a 5min introduction on "their" town. Thereafter challenges in preservation are pointed out. The third block starts with a lecture on instruments in heritage preservation practice, followed by a discussion on the implementation in the towns. The students are asked to contact preservation authorities in "their" towns and interview them, to find out difficulties in preservation practice, in preparation for the fourth block. The outcome of those interviews will then be discussed. The fifth block will focus on the relativization of individual standpoints (the students, the preservationists) and discuss approaches to gain a better insight on the topic. Different methods will be proposed to the students. For the sixth block the students should test those methods and report their findings. The final session should find out, what the students learned through the process of their investigation and how this influenced their view on the towns and the practice in heritage preservation. In comparing the different towns the students are asked to point out differences and similarities. Finally we will discuss ways to find out more about the "individual logic" of the town. The students are asked to write a short article on their impression of "their" town. The article and regular attendance are requirements to complete the seminar.

S. Brandt, H.R. Meier (Hrsg.): Schriftenreihe Stadtentwicklung und Denkmalpflege Band 11, Stadtbild und Denkmalpflege, Konstruktion und Rezeption von Bildern der Stadt, jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2008
N.K. Denzin, Y.S. Lincoln: "Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials“, 3rd Ed. Sage Publications 2008
Martina Löw: "Soziologie der Städte", Suhrkamp Nov. 2008
R. Sonnabend, R. Stein (Hrsg.): Aus der Reihe Edition Bauhaus, "Die anderen Städte – IBA Stadtumbau 2010", Band 4, Profilierung von Städten (Urban Distinctiveness), jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2006

Language: English
Time: Tuesday, 09:15 - 12:30, block course, fortnightly (odd weeks)
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 20, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
wo 2 S     Stadtsoziologie / Urban Sociology     3 Credits

Understanding the Post-Industrial City: metropolis, urban renewal and public space
This seminar takes place in the framework of the joint research exchange programme on post-industrial urbanism between the Bauhaus-Unversität Weimar and the Technical University Lisbone, Portugal. East-German and Portugese cities have been experiencing rapid changes in the run of processes that can be marked as "post-industrialism". The emergence of a new dynamic of industrial production with a higher degree of mobility, consumption, cultural and social reproduction has major impact on life in cities. The metropolitan shape and development patterns are following a different logic then the city of modernity. Now, the city center has altered its significance and offers other opportunities for the urban dwellers. While in modern times, the center dominated the orientation and attraction, it is now one among many places of importance in public life. The stage it offered as the seat of power and attention now is challenged by an urban geography with many places of more than local meaning. But the decline of the inner city has not been accepted by political and social action. New uses like for tourism, the creative class and migrants have been counterbalancing the decay. The remaining atractiveness of the center is the hugh offer of public spaces. However, these have been challenged in architectural and social ways. Politcally, urban regeneration programmes have been reacting on the new development. In this seminar, the context of metropolitan development in the emergence of post-industrialism, the challenged public spaces and attemps for urban renewal are regarded as intrinsically intertwined factors which make up the new face of the cities.

Against the background of these observations, this seminar has as objective to create an intensified knowledge of contemporary urban development in Portugal and East Germany/Berlin. It creates a common research framework where interdisciplinary approaches are intended to give a detailed insight into both general trends and particular projects. It focusses than on the new role of public space in cities facing the transformation to a post-industrial urbanism. It looks at the different strategies in political programmes, architectural approaches, urban planning and social and artistic interventions with regard to the renewal of urban areas.

The seminar will be organized in two steps. In a first preparatory meeting, basic texts on the development of the post-industrial city will be discussed. A reader will be produced and distributed in advance. Each participant will present one of these texts. In a second step, the seminar will be hold in the frame of a one week excursion to Lisbon. There, a joint seminar with Portuguese PhD students and partners will be used to allow every participant to discuss his or her own PhD research.

This seminar is supported by the German Exchange Organisation DAAD. Financial support for the travel costs to Lisbon is available.

Language: English
Time: Preparatory Workshop: November 11, 2009, 09:15 - 12:30
Workshop Lisbon: December 4 and 5, 2009
Location: Belvederer Allee 4, Room 101
Directed at: IPP Europäische Urbanistik, IPP Urban Heritage, Doktoranden der BUW
Registration: until October 1, 2009 (via e-mail:

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
wo 2 S     Stadtsoziologie / Urban Sociology     3 Credits

New Neighbourhoods in Europe
This seminar takes place in the framework of the cooperation between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Rome University 3.
We are kindly inviting students in the field of urban heritage, urban studies, urban planning, architecture and other related disciplines. Relevent subjects are:
* The political side of new developments, studying the form of urbanity (or citizenship) implicit in the design of new settlements.
* Accessibility to public space and public goods in the neighbourhoods
* The life-style in these neighboorhoods that is imicitly fostered
* The contextual factors influencing the concept of these neighbourhoods.

The seminar is organized in two parts. In a first meeting, relevant texts will be discussed by all participants. A reader with these texts will be produced in advance. Participants are preparing a shortreading of one text that is relevant for their own personal research.The second part of theseminar is related to the international workshop which will be hold on 3. and 4. November. Then, international scholars will present their work on new neighbourhoods in Europe.

Language: English
Time: Preparatory Meeting: October 28, 2009, 09:15 - 12:30
International Workshop: November 3 and 4, 2009
Location: Belvederer Allee 4, Room 101
Directed at: IPP Europäische Urbanistik, IPP Urban Heritage, PhD students
Registration: until October 1, 2009 (via e-mail:

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
Prof. John Eade

wo 2 S     Stadtsoziologie / Urban Sociology     3 Credits

Belonging to the City
What does it make that we feel at home in a city? What does it mean for us to live in a place where everything constantly is changing? This seminar examines the city as a place to feel attached to, It looks at the emotional side of urbanism. It is given by John Eade who has been researching on the social development of London. He is the editor of important books on the globalisation of cities (Living the Global City (1996), Placing London (2003), Understanding the City (2006)). In this seminar, we will discuss some examples of research on the process of belonging to a city. A reader with texts will be delivered in advance. Participants are requested to present one text to the seminar and discuss this against the background of their personal experience.

Please note: To achieve ECTS-points students are requested to hand in a comprehensive written report after consultation with the lecturers, too.

Language: English
Time: December 8, 2009, 09:15 - 12:30
Location: Belvederer Allee 4, Room 101
Registration: until October 1, 2009 (via e-mail:

Naira Chilingarian, M.A.
wo 2 S     Stadtsoziologie / Urban Sociology     3 Credits

Encountering (Urban) Places: How to use visual methods to 'read' the space
The topic of planned seminar rests upon the ideas of visual sociology. Photographic documentation, systematically conducted, provides an excellent basis upon which to see larger patterns of structural transformation, e.g. the intersections between people and place. At the forefront is the visual images' capacity to reveal what is hidden in the inner mechanisms of the ordinary and the taken for granted. As pictures encode an enormous amount of information in a single representation, it would be possible for a picture to contain many meanings and sustain multiple interpretations. Therefore, how to 'read' an image according to its context will be explored and discussed.

The next stage of the seminar will be engaging the participants to 'encounter' and explore a particular place through visual methods. Here photocamera will be used as a tool to think with. Three approaches of making photo-images will be presented to the students upon which they would be able to evolve their ideas. The first approach: image(s) which would be regarded as representation(s) of reality: record of already existing phenomena. The second approach is that of constructing reality and, finally, the third approach would be image(s) regarded as text which can be read to uncover the wider cultural significance and other messages behind its visual representation, e.g. juxtapose details to produce meanings.

Photoseries depicting the current production, consumption and meaning of a particular place produced during the seminar will be used to understand that the processes across time and urban space are continuous and, more importantly, as unfolding material to SEE and READ the contemporary representation of the place. The strength of any research project depends on the significance of what is coded and how well the actual coding can be replicated. Consequently, the main aim of including and incorporating visual methods of data gathering and analysis is to understand contemporary urban space.

The study/awareness of a particular place (could be in Weimar or elsewhere) constructed through its visual interpretation and/or 'subjective' reading by participants is the core concept of the seminar. This seminar's objective is to show that visual/photographic survey is useful in helping to reveal either social, political, economic and/or cultural patterns and characteristics that mark the change in the area (city) of interest. As an outcome, photo essay should be produced.

Language: English
Time: Wednesday, 13:30-15:00
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 21, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Jennifer Plaul, M.A.
wo 2 S     Stadtsoziologie / Urban Sociology     3 Credits

Integration and Urban Segregation
This course will address theories of integration and urban ethnic segregation and relate these to current problems in Europe and around the world.

European countries have been experiencing immigration for the last thirty to fifty years. Attempts to deal with the “foreigner problem” have been made only more recently, ranging from more restrictive immigration laws and tighter border controls across the European Union to more relaxed nationality laws and higher integration efforts. In Germany over the last ten years, “integration” has become a popular catch phrase. Integration policy aims to include immigrants and so-called people with an “immigration background” in the host society – e.g. by increasing intercultural dialogue, by funding language courses and counseling services, etc. Alongside the rise of practical policy measures, integration theorists analyze the issues arising from multicultural cohabitation.

In the context of urban studies, immigrant integration is approached spatially, i.e. in terms of ethnic segregation. Immigrants tend to be overrepresented in cities as opposed to rural areas, which combined with population density in general leads to intensification of conflict and/or incorporation.

The course will begin with the observations of ethnic enclaves by Robert Park and the “Chicago School” and continue by investigating the difficulties of measuring segregation and its consequences and the fine line between structural inequality and ethnic discrimination. In this context, the connection between physical vicinity or segregation of different cultures and successful integration will be debated.

Successful completion of the course requires regular attendance and active participation, as well as a presentation and accompanying paper.

Language: English
Time: Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:30
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 14, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Larissa Coles
wo 2 S  Projektentwicklung / Project Development 3 Credits

Real Estate Project Development / Projektentwicklung
Constitutive on the course Basics and Methods of Real Estate Project Development a development task is the main topic of this course. Characteristics are market and location analysis, concepts for estimated usage and economic calculations. Additional information will be given in the first course.

Aufbauend auf die Vorlesung Projektentwicklung ist geplant, ein konkretes Projektentwicklungsthema durchzuarbeiten. Es sind Konzeptionen mit den Merkmalen Standortanalyse, städtebauliche Einordnung, Nutzungskonzeption und Wirtschaftlich-keitsberechnung in den Grundphasen der Projektentwicklung zu erstellen. Das konkrete Bearbeitungsgebiet und die Terminvorgabe werden in der ersten Veranstaltung abgestimmt.

Language: Deutsch / English
Time: Wednesday, 17:00 - 18:30, weekly consultation appointments
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Yellow Hall
Start: October 14, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra
wo 2 S     Raumplanung     3 Credits

Berlin. Städtebau als Politikum
Auch zwanzig Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer wird in Berlin geharnischt über Städtebau diskutiert. Seit dem 9. Dezember (!) 1989 geht es zugleich um den Umgang mit der politischen und der Stadtbaugeschichte, um die Rechte der Bewohner bzw. der Investoren der Gegenwart sowie um Leitbilder für das zukünftige Berlin. Vor allem in der City Ost beschäftigt seitdem eine bunte Perlenkette von Debatten über konkrete Orte und prononcierte Pläne nicht allein einige Spezialisten und zuständige Politikerinnen, sondern die breite Fachöffentlichkeit der Stadt und die Feuilletons auch ausländischer Zeitungen.

Zuweilen werden diese Debatten als bloßer Wirbel um das Machtgebaren eines dominanten Fachpolitikers unterschätzt. Im Grunde haben wir es hier mit der Überlappung verschiedener internationaler und spezifisch deutscher Konfliktlinien bzw. Umbrüche der Stadtentwicklungspolitik zu tun. Der Wettbewerb um die Mittelschichten und die neue Agenda für den öffentlichen Raum, prämodern ausgerichtete Versuche, die DDR-Moderne zu überwinden, aber auch die uralte Frage des Verhältnisses zwischen Privatwirtschaft und öffentlicher Ökonomie sind Zusammenhänge, die Heftigkeit wie Ausstrahlung dieser Debatten verständlich machen.

„Kritische Rekonstruktion“, „Planwerk Innenstadt“ oder die allerneuesten Vorschläge einer „Renaissance“ der Altstadt zu Füssen des Fernsehturmes, werden wir als städtebauliche Ausdrucksformen gesellschaftspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen ernst nehmen und kritisch prüfen. Zwei Exkursionen nach Berlin und die gründliche Lektüre einiger Texte gehört zum Pflichtprogramm des Seminars.

Zur Schlaf raubenden Einstimmung sei empfohlen: Hans Stimmann. Berliner Altstadt. Von der DDR-Staatsmitte zur Stadtmitte. Berlin 2009.

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Montag, 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr
Ort: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Raum 106
Beginn: 19.10.2009
Einschreibung: 12.10.09, Professur IfEU (EG)

Liza Kam, M. Arch.
wo 2 S     Raumplanung / Spatial Planning     3 Credits

Urbanism in China. Traditional and Contemporary Chinese urban settlements at a glance
Like many other Asian cities, Chinese cities have been fundamentally undergoing a transformation process in the previous decades, as a result of globalization and intensive modernization. This development however, is accompanied by the destruction of the unique cultural heritage and identity expressed by the built environment in the region.

The broad discussion is, ‘Who are the actors contributing to the formation of the current China?’ This course enables students to throw a glance to both the traditional and contemporary built environment in the Chinese region in an interdisciplinary approach. The course aims at providing an introduction to several selected Chinese cities in a thematic basis, e.g., The Imperial urban settings in Beijing, The vernacular architecture and urban settings for the Hakka tribe in the Southeast Region of China, Development Vs Destruction in the contemporary Shanghai and etc. The students are encouraged to interpret city and its urban settings by understanding and considering its traditions, culture, politics, climate and geography as well as the inbetween dynamics and tensions of these issues.

A range of themes and locations will be introduced to the students and they will be studying and investigating a Chinese city/ town/ region with a theme of their choice as a case study. We shall glimpse these Chinese cities through the aides of different resources such as films, photography alongside with theoretical readings and literature.

Language: English
Time: Monday, 17:00 - 18:30
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 19, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.
o 2 S     Modellprojekt-Seminar     3 Credits

Modellprojekte-Seminar / Modellprojekte Forum
Gegenstand des Seminars sind die Modellprojekte, an denen die Studierenden der Europäischen Urbanistik im Sommersemester teilgenommen haben. Im Zentrum der Veranstaltung wird dabei zum einen die systematische Aufarbeitung und Analyse der Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus der Teilnahme an den einzelnen Projekten stehen. Zum anderen wird es um die Vorbereitung auf das „Modellprojekte Forum 2010“ und die Publikation der Projektberichte für das „Jahrbuch der Modellprojekte“ gehen.

The seminar consists mainly of three parts. 1. Reporting and evaluating the Model Projects through individual presentations and group discussion, 2. Introduction to the Model Project Forum including the preparation of and feedback on individual presentation concepts for the forum, 3. Coached rehearsals for presentations, and last but not least the final presentations on the 10th International Model Project Forum (24-26.02.2010) itself.

Directed at: Master (EU / IIUS, third semester only)
Language: English
Time: Thursday 11.00 - 12:30 (block meetings and individual arrangements)
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 106
Start: October 15, 2009
Registration: October 12, IfEU, Room 104

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.
o 2 S     Modellprojekt-Seminar

Introduction to the Model Projects
The seminar serves the preparation for the Model Projects in the summer semester 2010. Besides an introduction to the 'Model Projects European Urban Studies', students will prepare their application for the model project partners at an early stage in the semester. This also consist of individual presentations. First semester students (only European Urban Studies) are also invited to take part in the third semster's meetings of the model project seminar to get first impressions of the projects.
Participation is obligatory and only for EU students, and will be credited as part of the Model Projects.

Directed at: Master EU only (first semester)
Language: English
Time: Thursday 11.00 - 12:30 (block meetings and individual arrangements)
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 106
Start: October 15, 2009
Registration: October 12, IfEU, Room 104


Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Philippe Schmidt MSc.
Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Graw

wo 14 P     Studienprojekt / Study Project     21 Credits

New Ideas for Media Spree – Planning on Berlin’s Waterfront

As part of the city’s waterfront redevelopment, the “Mediaspree” plans aim to emphasise Berlin’s role as a media location with projects such as corporate headquarters from Universal Music und MTV Networks or projects like the Fernsehwerft and the multifunctional arena O2 World in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.

Next to the reuse of industrial architecture from the end of the 19th century which is under preservation, several new buildings emerged in the area. At the same time, due to a lack of demand in office space, several intermediary uses developed in the cultural and social sector on brownfield sites along the river, that became characteristic for the area.

A public referendum with 30.000 votes followed a massive critique of citizens, and lead to the formulation of new requirements for the area that were not considered before. Those ask for a stronger orientation towards social and cultural belongings of the local population and the consideration of the present intermediary uses as well as spaces for experimental uses.

After the relocation of the Dämmisol company, a project of the “Spreeufer” urban renewal, new uses and ideas need to be developed for the site. Following an analysis of the area, in the Study Project we will develop a sustainable concept for future uses as a masterplan, and urban design schemes for the area based on different principles of project development. Next to important questions of urban design and architecture, related to a mix of uses in smaller and larger plots as well as a public access to the riverfront, the scenarios should be testified for their economic viability as well as for their focus on the local as well as overall needs of the city and changed demands.

The study project will take place in cooperation between the (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) Institut für Europäische Urbanistik, Professur Baumanagement und Bauwirtschaft for a design approach based on project development, and takes place in cooperation with the Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften, Theoretische Empirische & Angewandte Stadtforschung – TEAS (Freie Universität Berlin), and Inbo Adviseurs Stedenbouwkundigen Architecten (Amsterdam). A field-trip excursion to Berlin will include a workshop with local actors, a best –practice workshop and study to Masterdam’s waterfront projects will be offered through Inbo at Amsterdam with the participation of DRO Amsterdam. Finally, the project will be documented through publication.

Number of participants: max. 30 students
Language: English (partially in German)
Time: Tuesday, 13:30 - 16:45 Uhr
Location: Introduction: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Str. 2, Yellow Hall 
mid-term critique and final critique: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Str. 2, Yellow Hall
Ateliers:  Wilhelm-Bodestraße 1, EG, Rooms R 001-003
Start: 13.10.2009
Registration: 12.10.2009, IfEU, Room 104


Dipl.-Kaufm. Tore Dobberstein
wo 2 Ü     Moderation     3 Credits

Einführung in die Moderation
Arbeitstreffen mit Vertretern unterschiedlicher Interessen gehören heute zum Alltag von Planern. Häufig sind sowohl die Wissensstände der Beteiligten, als auch die Zielsetzungen für die Zusammenkünfte diffus. Diese Ausgangssituation stellt in der Praxis hohe Anforderungen an das Moderationsgeschick und die Durchsetzungsfähigkeit der Ausrichter.

Die Übung vermittelt den Teilnehmern fundamentales Wissen, um Gruppendiskussionen und Planungswerkstätten konstruktiv zu leiten. In Übungsblöcken werden grundlegende Techniken der Visualisierung und zielorientierten Moderation erarbeitet.

Besonderen Stellenwert erhält die Erfassung und Vermittlung verschiedener Interessenslagen im urbanen Kontext und die Analyse von vermeintlichen Konfliktpositionen. Dialogorientierte Kommunikation und Strategien der informellen Planung sind notwendig, um gemeinsame Positionen zu erarbeiten und einen tragbaren Konsens zu erzielen.

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Montag, 09:15 - 16:45 Uhr, Blockveranstaltung
Ort: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Raum 107
Beginn: 02.11.09, weitere Termine: 23.11.09, 14.12.09, 18.01.10
Einschreibung: 12.10.2009, IfEU, Raum 104

Dipl.-Kaufm. Tore Dobberstein
wo 2 Ü     Moderation     3 Credits

Introduction to Moderation
Meetings with representatives of different interest groups are important milestones in today’s planning processes. The different expectations regarding the outcome of the meeting and the different backgrounds of the participants challenge the diplomatic skills of the planners who lead the discussion.

The lecture teaches fundamental tools to guide group meetings and planning workshops towards a productive output. Practical exercise sessions address techniques to visualize and to moderate planning related issues.

A consensus on multi-interest decisions in the urban context depends on the accurate detection of all different interests of the stakeholders involved and the right analysis of potentially conflicting positions. The implementation of informal planning strategies and dialogue based communication are discussed in the course.

Language: English
Time: Monday, 09:15 - 16:45, block course
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 19, 2009. Further dates: Nov 09 / Dec 07, 2009; Jan 11, 2010
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104


Dr. phil. Bernhard Stratmann
wo 2 Ü      Kompetenzvermittlung / Expertise Mediation     3 Credits

Academic skills and research methodology
The exercise course is about deepening and revising students academic research skills, including methodology, basic statistics and study skills such as essay writing. The course is designed for students enrolled in the Master's and PhD programmes in European Urban Studies. However, the topic might be of use to students of other Master's programmes offered by the Faculty of Architecture as well.

Language: English
Time: Wednesday, 09:15 - 10:45
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: October 14, 2009
Registration: October 12, 2009, IfEU, Room 104

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Reinhard Hübler
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Riedel

wo 2 Ü     Kompetenzvermittlung / Expertise Mediation     3 Credits

Raumbezogene Informationssysteme / Planungssoftware
Gegenstand der Lehrveranstaltung sind Geographische Informationssystem(GIS)Technologien. Behandelt werden die Erfassung, Modellierung und Speicherung von natürlichen, gebauten bzw. geplanten Umweltobjekten sowie deren Auswertung in differenzierter Hinsicht. Die Veranstaltung schließt ein Praktikum zu einem GIS-Tool (GeoMedia) ein. Die Kenntnisse können geeignet mit Aufgabenstellungen anderer Lehrgebiete verbunden und projektorientiert vertieft werden.

Sprache. Deutsch
Zeit: Dienstag, 13:30 - 16:45 Uhr
Ort: Coudraystraße 13 B, Raum 009 /Beton- bzw. Orionpool
Beginn: 13.10.2009
Einschreibung: 12.10.2009, IfEU, Raum 104

Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra
wo 2 Ü     Kompetenzvermittlung / Expertise Mediation     3 Credits

Promovieren an der Fakultät Architektur
Was macht aus einem Text eine Doktorarbeit? Wie lässt sich eine Dissertation sinnvoll vorbereiten? Was bedeutet Exposé, was muss ein Exposé leisten? Auf solche Fragen gibt es keine absolut gültigen Antworten, wohl aber lässt sich aus den Erfahrungen bisheriger Promotionsverfahren auf den Feldern der Urbanistik und der Architektur an unserer Fakultät viel für die eigene Arbeit lernen.

Die LV beginnt mit einer systematischen Einführung. Anschließend werden wir gemeinsam einige Dissertationen, die in diesem Jahrzehnt an unserer Fakultät erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurden, unter die Lupe nehmen und diskutieren. Frisch promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaft-lerinnen und gefragte Mentoren werden wir einladen, um die Praxis dieser akademischen Sphäre besser zu verstehen. Schließlich werden wir eine Disputation gut vorbereitet gemeinsam besuchen, um uns anschaulich mit der Schlussphase eines Promotionsverfahrens vertraut zu machen. Gegenstand der LV sind Promotionsverfahren mit dem Abschluss Dr.-Ing. und Dr. phil. Arbeitssprache ist Deutsch, wobei einige Texte englischsprachig sind. Die LV richtet sich an bereits eingeschriebene Promovierende, aber auch an alle Masterstudierende und sonstige Nachwuchsfachleute, die sich derzeit mit dem Gedanken befassen, eine Dissertation zu schreiben.

Sprache: Deutsch
Zeit: Dienstag, 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr
Ort: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Raum 109
Beginn: 13.10.2009
Einschreibung: Professur, Belvederer Allee 4


Lehrende der Europäischen Urbanistik
o 4     Koll Kolloquium     4 Credits

Die Veranstaltung dient der Vorstellung und Diskussion der Masterarbeiten. Die Masterkandidaten legen den Zwischenstand ihrer Arbeit dar und erhalten Anregungen für das weitere Vorgehen.

The course is the platform for presentation and discussion of the Masters theses. The candidates will present the intermediate results of their work on their individual topics. Suggestions for further action will be made by fellow students and academics attending the colloquium.

Directed at: Master (EU, IIUS)
Language: Deutsch / English
Time: See notice-board
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Room 107
Start: See notice-board

Lehrende der Europäischen Urbanistik

o 4     Koll Kolloquium     4 Credits

Promotionskolloquium IPP Europäische Urbanistik
Die Veranstaltung dient der Vorstellung und Diskussion der Dissertationsthemen.
The course is the platform for presentation and discussion of the Doctoral theses. 

Directed at: IPP EU
Language: Deutsch / English
Time: See notice-board
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2
Start: See notice-board

Lehrende der Europäischen Urbanistik
o 4     Koll Kolloquium     4 Credits

Promotionskolloquium Urban Heritage
Die Veranstaltung dient der Vorstellung und Diskussion der Dissertationsthemen.
The course is the platform for presentation and discussion of the Doctoral theses.

Directed at: UH
Language: Deutsch / English
Time: See notice-board
Location: IfEU, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2
Start: See notice-board