Wintersemester 2011/2012

Course catalogue WS 2011/2012
for the study courses at the Institute for European Urban Studies


Dr.-Ing. Harald Kegler
wo 2 V        Urban Design        3 Credits

Urban Conversion – History, Strategies, Concepts, Projects (Germany, Europe, USA)
Urban Conversion (Redevelopment) is a response to social, functional and technical, but also ecological change.

What lies behind the term "Urban Conversion" in theory and practice? There are three large-scale fields of action intended: firstly, the conversion of the city-centre, also known as 'rejuvenation'; secondly, the redevelopment of areas that are not being used and have become wasteland (traditionally known as conversion like brown- or greyfields); thirdly, the redevelopment of large-scale monofunctional housing estates (slaburbs) which was formally known as 'adjustment'. There are different historical dimensions and strategies behind these types of urban conversion.

This new type of city-development could be characterized as the "Third phase of the European Urban Renewal". The successful European Year of the Preservation of Monuments in 1975 marked the high-point of the radical change of the leitmotif.

The importance of strategies, cult events, cult locations, cult plans and projects and the 'prophets' of the urban conversion is a mean point in the understanding of the new era of the city development.

Today there could be considered: there are new subjects – the redevelopment of the urban region and the "resilient city" as a reaction of the climate change issue.

Language: English
Time: Thursday, 15:15 – 16:45
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: November 3, 2011
Registration: during first lecture

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
wo 2 V        Urban Sociology        3 Credits

German Cities in Transition
Life in German cities has undergone substantial changes in the last decade. Not only the East German cities had to address new challenges after the reunification of the German nation in 1990, but also the West German cities had to reformulate their place in the complex urban networks. Cities are mirroring wider changes in German society where new social and political developments can be observed. Economical and cultural globalization has had a major impact on many aspects of urban life. This lecture will give an overview about major developments in German cities since the German reunification in 1990. It will provide both a sound source of information on the most important issues of German society and reflect important discussion of the international debate on urban studies. It starts with a historical analysis that puts German cities in a context of the industrial revolution and the dramas of the 20th century.

Time: Monday, 17:00 – 18:30
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Room 105
Start: October 17, 2011
Registration: during first lecture


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig
wo 2 V        Project Development        3 Credits

Basics and Methods of Real Estate Project Development
This lecture focusses main topics of real estate and urban development, analysis trends of the real estate market, economic calculation in phases of the development. Additional to this course the participants have to take part in the course "Real Estate Development".

Time: Tuesday, 11:00 – 12:30
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 11, 2011
Registration: during first lecture

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
wo 2 V        Spatial Planning        3 Credits

Urban Theory revisted
Theorizing the city remains an exciting challenge. How to make sense of what we observe in one city as a rule for general explanation? While the modern project of sciences assumes the ubiquitous significance of similar pattern of urban development, claims of the post-modern school of thought have been criticizing the blinds spots of general urban theory. Is then a generalized knowledge about cities still achievable or is it not even wishful anymore? In this lecture, recent reconsiderations about the American discourse on urban theory will be presented. The first meetings will give a recap on the tradition of the "old" Chicago School and the debate on the post-modern "LA School" and the “New York discourses” as to end up with the actual announcement of a "New Chicago School". In a second step, discourses on the Arabic, African, and Asian cities will be reflected in each one lecture. As to finalize the debate, the state of theoritisation with regard to the German cities will be worked out.

Recommended reading: Urban theory revisted.

Time: Monday, 19:00 – 20:30
Location: Marienstr. 13, Lecture Hall C
Registration: during first lecture


M.A.U. Alan Paul Rodríguez Schaeffer
wo 2 S        Urban Design        3 Credits

Conservation and lighting in the urban heritage
Nowadays the urban heritage is being greatly affected by different factors that threaten its integrity. One of these factors is the inappropriate use of new technology in heritage buildings, as does the inappropriate lighting. It is true that to keep alive a building, it is necessary to find it a useful value for the society and to assure it permanence to the delight of the present and futures generations. This task must be done under certain theoretical and technical criteria to ensure the current social needs without compromising the building. Therefore, this seminar is a brief introduction to the heritage conservation and urban lighting. Where the students will study, beginning from the main pristine conservation theories to the contemporary as a basis for intervention criteria. Additionally will be studied the theoretical and technical basic concepts necessary to achieve an adequate exterior lighting for urban heritage.

To study the theories of urban heritage conservation.
To know and distinguish the intervention typology used for the preservation of heritage.
To comprehend the criteria used in the development of a lighting project in urban heritage.
Develop a lighting project of urban heritage in the city of Weimar.

The seminar will be organized in lectures/workshops and students' presentations.

The evaluation will be done by the process of learning, i.e. individual evaluation of the oral presentation, 2 tests and the final project (lighting project), as well of the student’s participation during the classes and in the final meeting. It is expected that the students apply the conservation criteria to analyze their objects of study.

Time: Tuesday, 15:15-18:30, block course, fortnightly (odd weeks)
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 25, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 003

Dr. Steffen de Rudder
wo 2 S        Urban Design        3 Credits

Analyzing Schinkel
History of architecture for architects has a two-fold purpose: getting to know the cultural fundaments of the discipline and improving design skills through studying historical designs. Our Schinkel seminar aims at the second.

We want to analyze Schinkel’s best projects to learn about basic aspects of design in general, whether it is in architecture, urban planning or interior design. Schinkel’s work addresses timeless problems of design and provides brilliant solutions. His projects are about aesthetics and politics, about the city and the landscape, about constructive details and conceptual strategies.

The seminar will look at selected projects of Schinkel’s work not primarily as historical objects but as examples of exemplary design solutions.

Time: Monday, 11:00 – 12:30
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Room 108
Start: October 10, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, Belvederer Allee , 1st Floor

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
wo 2 S        Urban Sociology    3 Credits

Chicago as paradigm – again?
Chicago has been a city that gave reason for many fantasies. With films about Al Capone and Elvis singing about the South Side Ghetto, it seemed a familiar place in our imagination. In good and bad, this city seems to deliver prototype knowledge on the essence of the American city. Also, urban theory has been contributing to the proliferation of a cliché understanding of Chicago. Having criticized much about the early ideas of the so-called “Chicago School”, today it seems again that this city provides us with a powerful statement on how urban development needs to be analyzed. In this seminar, a careful reading of the history of both the city itself and the classical theories on Chicago will be developed. In a second part, recent developments of the city since the early nineties and the work of the “New Chicago School” will be presented and critically discussed.

Time: Monday, 15:15 – 16:45
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Room 105
Start: October 17, 2011
Registration: during first meeting

Dr. phil. Bernhard Stratmann
wo 2 S        Urban Sociology        3 Credits

Cities and Suburbs: Roadmap to Sustainability
When looking at suburbs, people and planners often see something very different. Whereas the former dream of a better lifestyle, the latter often talk about urban sprawl and point to a long list of negative aspects of this kind of urban from. Particularly in view of rising energy consumption, Peak Oil and possible climate change continuing trends towards global suburbanization have caused concerns. However, more recently the "reading" of suburbs has changed. The prevailing critical discourse has been challenged by the assumption that suburbs – if designed and managed well – can be aligned with the overall goal of sustainability. This includes a reappraisal of “suburbanism as a way of life” that might offer a lot. The seminar will examine the current debate by taking American, Australian, Chinese and German cities as an example. To this end concepts of sustainable urban development will be explored, followed by a practice review. It will be argued that the debate on suburbia is embedded in a much larger, underlying debate on the good life.

Performance record will be achieved by giving a presentation during the semester and handing in a written report at the end of the semester.

Time: Wednesday, 09:15 – 10:45
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 005
Start: October 12, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003
Number of participants: max. 30 students

Jennifer Plaul, M.A.
wo 2 S        Urban Sociology        3 Credits

NEIGHBORHOODS IN TRANSITION: Image and Urban Development
Within a city, development of neighborhoods is closely linked to image ? the image a neighborhood has within its city affects movements and composition of residents, investors, entrepreneurs and visitors. At the same time, image can also be created and used to accelerate change -just as politicians attempt to market an attractive image of their city, local actors do the same to gain support for their neighborhood.

Image change sometimes occurs gradually over generations, or at times more dramatically e.g. following drastic political changes, as seen in the almost overnight change in demographics and image of GDR apartment block neighborhoods, or after large infrastructure projects alter neighborhood access and thus residential life and image. The process of economic and social change known as gentrificaiton is also intricately linked to neighborhood image.

This seminar will focus on questions of image and reputation in relation to socioeconomic neighborhood development, by exploring the following questions: What factors influence neighborhood image? How is image created, expressed and communicated? Who (residents, city dwellers from other neighborhoods, politicians, activists) are the observers and perpetuaters of image? And how does image affect neighborhood development and social change?

Students will work with texts as well as incorporate qualitative empirical work on a neighborhood of their choice into their seminar contribution.

Time: Tuesday, 13:30 – 15:00
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Room 108
Start: October 11, 2011
Registration: during first meeting

Dipl.-Ing. Kristina Hoffmann
wo 2 S        Project Development        3 Credits

Real Estate Project Development
Constitutive on the course Basics and Methods of Real Estate Project Development a development task is the main topic of this course. Characteristics are market and location analysis, concepts for estimated usage and economic calculations. Additional information will be given in the first course.

Time: Thursday, 13:30 – 15:00
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 13, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003

Dipl.-Geogr. Britta Trostorff
wo 2 S        Spatial Planning        3 Credits

More out of less - ensuring sustainable cities under the condition of demographic and economic change through the instruments of urban development policies
Nowadays spatial development in Germany as well as in most European countries is challenged by conditions that are no longer solely determined by growth. In contrast, current processes of demographic as well as of economic development are basically characterised by the shrinkage, ageing and increasing heterogenity of population and by tendencies of de-economisation. These developments do especially effect the cities and leave their visible traces in the urban structures and functions. Following the principle of the European City and considering cities to be the backbones of a sustainable spatial structure that offers equivalent conditions for living to everyone, urban policies have to react to these new challenges.

How does this reaction look like? How do urban development policies define, handle and manage the requirements of demographic and economic change in the cities? Which overall concepts ("Leitbild") are defined and how are which instruments used to put them into practise?

We will try to answer these key-questions by investigating different instruments of urban development policies, especially the urban development promotion programmes ("Städtebauförderung") and their development during the past 20 years. The national frame for urban policies, the so called National Urban Development Policy ("Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik"), as well as approaches from other countries will help us to better understand and evaluate the current approaches in Germany and to develop recommendations.

Course requirements:
Students participating in this course are asked
(a)    to actively participate in the classes,
(b)    to prepare and present a topic within the run of the course.

You will find some literature in the library's "Handapparat"-section.

Time: Wednesday, 11:00 – 12:30
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 12, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, Belvederer Allee 5, 1st Floor

Agnieszka Ciesla M.Sc.
wo 2 S        Spatial Planning        3 Credits

What is a European City? Urbanization processes in Western and Central Eastern Europe.
The seminar aims at investigating differences between urbanization processes in Western and Central Eastern Europe. The division into Western and Eastern part of Europe did not begin with the introduction of socialism. In fact its reasons are deeply rooted in history and will be thoroughly discussed during the seminar.

In Western Europe a fairly dense settlement network was created as far back as in time of Roman Empire. In Middle Ages, when urbanization process intensified, aware citizens' class started to emerge (Bürgertum).

Throughout the 19th century, when industrialization flourished, cities grew exponentially. In the 20th century a post-industrial phase began and after 1945 urbanization stagnated in Western Europe. This slowdown was triggered by de-industrialisation, urban sprawl and extremely low birthrate.

At the same time cities in Central and Eastern Europe witnessed an unprecedented growth. However, their development used to always be delayed in comparison to cities in Western Europe. It was due to very different social, economic as well as political conditions, which existed for centuries in Central Eastern Europe. As a consequence, when socialism was introduced, Central European countries were predominantly rural with agrarian populations. The goal of socialistic planning was to catch in terms of development with Western Europe. Industrialization and migration from rural to urban areas was strongly supported in socialism. In the period 1945-1990 countries of Central Eastern Europe increased their shares of urban population to the levels comparable to those found in Western Europe.

High intensity of urbanization process in different time periods in both parts of the continent resulted in varied spatial structures of cities. In West European cities the pre-1945 structures dominate, while in Central and Eastern Europe large city areas are built up with prefabricated buildings dating back to socialist era. During the seminar the peculiarities of spatial development will be subject of analysis and discussion.

The seminar is offered as a block seminar. During the first blocks the differences in urbanization process between Western and Central Eastern Europe will be presented and discussed with the participants. During the third and fourth block the participants will present their work on development paths of chosen European town or city. These case studies will be confronted with the earlier presented information on the European urban development.

Time: Friday, 09:15 – 16:45, block course
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 21, 2011 (09:15 – 15:00). Further dates: Nov 18 / Dec 09, 2011; Jan 13, 2012
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.
o 2 S        Model Project Seminar    3 Credits

Model Project Seminar/Model Project Forum
The seminar's goal is to exchange about and learn from different projects in the urban realm where second semester students have been involved in during their Model Project semester in summer 2011. The seminar challenges students to contextualize the own individual practical work and research experience into a broader context of urban research. It allows participants to deepen the understanding between practice and theory and to contribute real-world-experience in a reflective way. Finally, the seminar work aims also to prepare students to hold a lecture for the International Model Project Forum in front of audience that is dedicated to an overarching conference title.

The three phases of the seminar: 1.) Reporting and evaluating the Model Projects through individual presentations and group discussion, 2.) Introduction to the Model Project Forum including the preparation of and feedback on individual presentation concepts for the forum, 3.) Coached rehearsals for presentations, and last but not least the final presentations at the 12th International Model Project Forum (mid February 2012).

Participation is obligatory and only for EU students. Attested absences of more than two meetings will automatically lead to the failure of credits.

Directed at: Master EU only (third semester)
Language: English
Time: Wednesday, 13.30 - 15:00 (block meetings)
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 005
Start: October 12, 2011
Registration: October 10, IfEU, Room 003

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.
o 2 S        Model Projects / Introduction

Introduction to the Model Projects
The seminar serves as preparation for the Model Project semester in spring/summer 2012. Besides an introduction to the 'Model Projects European Urban Studies', students will learn to present their personal portfolios for the prospective model project partners at an early stage in the semester. This also consist of individual presentations. The first semester students (only European Urban Studies) are also invited to participate in the third semester's meetings of the model project seminar to get first impressions of content and form of different experiences from last semester’s model projects.

Participation is obligatory and only for EU students and will be credited as part of the Model Projects.

Directed at: Master EU only (first semester)
Language: English
Time: Wednesday, 15:15 - 16.45 (block meetings plus individual arrangements)
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 005
Start: October 12, 2011
Registration: October 10, IfEU, Room 003

Liza KAM, M.Arch.
o 2 S        Preparatory Course AdUrb        3 Credits

Urbanism in China. Traditional and Contemporary Chinese urban settlements at a glance
Like many other Asian cities, Chinese cities have been fundamentally undergoing a transformation process in the previous decades, as a result of globalization and intensive modernization. This development however, is accompanied by the destruction of the unique cultural heritage and identity represented by the built environment in the region.

The broad discussion is, 'Who are the actors contributing to the formation of the current China?' This course enables students to throw a glance to both the traditional and contemporary built environment in the Chinese region through an interdisciplinary approach. The course aims at providing an introduction to several selected Chinese cities on a thematic basis, e.g., the vernacular architecture and urban settings for the Hakka tribe in the Southeast Region of China, development Vs destruction in contemporary Shanghai and post-colonial Hong Kong etc. Students are encouraged to interpret city and its urban settings by understanding and considering its traditions, culture, politics, climate and geography as well as the in- between dynamics and tensions of these issues.

A range of themes and locations will be introduced and the students will be studying and investigating these Chinese cities/ towns/ regions as case studies. As the Chinese culture is foreign for most of the students, we shall commence our investigation with these Chinese cities/settlements with the aid of different resources such as films, photography, documentaries and paintings, as well as journals and literature.

The course includes a sequence of lectures and student presentations. The lectures will provide the historical and theoretical background necessary for the discussion of development issues in a broad perspective. Student presentations will focus on independent research including observations, literature reviews and hence critical thinking.

Directed at: AdUrb
Time: Tuesday, 15:15-18:30, block course, fortnightly (even weeks)
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 18, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003

Study Project:

Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig,
Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Kristina Hoffmann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Larissa Coles

wo 16 P    Study Project    24 Credits

The Columbus Project
What urban effects occur when a former heavily polluted river, which runs through a big city, becomes purified? What does this new quality mean in terms of spatial, ecological, social but also economical aspects?

This study project will ask these questions and will examine the study case of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, located on the River Ozama.

The Columbus Project firstly takes an ecological view and focuses on topics like waste management and sustainable strategies for preventing waste. Secondly it deals with theories about socially responsible urban development, mainly looking at enhancing the living conditions in the slums that are existing on the western side of the river. Thirdly the project adopts an economic point of view and analyses financial effects that are aligned with the ecological revitalization.

The study project's aim is to develop a general project plan for the riverside zones that defines core qualities for different regions, covering financial aspects as well as giving strategies in dealing with the existing slumquarters.

The project is taking place in cooperation with the PUCMM (Universidad Pontificia Catolica Madre y Maestra, Santo Domingo).

Directed at: Master EU, exchange students AdUrb
Time: Thursday, 9.15 – 12.30
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Start: October 13, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003


Dipl.-Kaufm. Tore Dobberstein
wo 2 Ü        Moderation            3 Credits

Introduction to Moderation
Meetings with representatives of different interest groups are important milestones in today's planning processes. The different expectations regarding the outcome of the meeting and the different backgrounds of the participants challenge the diplomatic skills of the planners who lead the discussion.
The lecture teaches fundamental tools to guide group meetings and planning workshops towards a productive output. Practical exercise sessions address techniques to visualize and to moderate planning related issues.
A consensus on multi-interest decisions in the urban context depends on the accurate detection of all different interests of the stakeholders involved and the right analysis of potentially conflicting positions. The implementation of informal planning strategies and dialogue based communication are discussed in the course.

Time: Monday, 09:15 – 16:45, block course
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5, Room 007
Course 1: October 10, 2011. Further dates: Nov 07 / Dec 05, 2011; Jan 09, 2012
Course 2: October 24, 2011. Further dates: Nov 14 / Dec 12, 2011; Jan 23, 2012
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003

Expertise Mediation

Dr. phil. Bernhard Stratmann
wo 2 Ü        Expertise Mediation        3 Credits

Academic skills and research methodology
The exercise course is about deepening and revising students academic research skills, including methodology, basic statistics and study skills such as essay writing. The course is designed for students enrolled in the Master's and PhD programmes in European Urban Studies. However, the topic might be of use to students of other Master’s programmes offered by the Faculty of Architecture as well.

Performance record (attestation) will be achieved by regular attendance and presentation or paper.

Time: Tuesday, 09:15 – 10:45
Location: Karl-Haußknechtstr. 7, Lecture Hall
Start: October 11, 2011
Registration: October 10, 2011, IfEU, Room 003
Number of participants: max. 30 students


Lecturers in the field of European Urban Studies/Advanced Urbanism
o 4 Koll    Colloquium            4 Credits

The course is the platform for presentation and discussion of the Masters theses. The candidates will present the intermediate results of their work on their individual topics. Suggestions for further action will be made by fellow students and academics attending the colloquium.

Admission for the Master examination is required for participation.
Performance record (attestation) will be achieved by giving an oral presentation.

Directed at: Master (EU, IIUS/AdUrb)
Time: Block course, see notice-board
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5
Start: See notice-board
Registration: Not necessary, all students accepted for the Master examination EU and IIUS/AdUrb have to participate

Lecturers in the field of European Urban Studies/Advanced Urbanism
o 4 Koll    Colloquium            4 Credits

IPP EU/UH Doctorate Colloquium
The course is the platform for presentation and discussion of the Doctoral theses.

Directed at: IPP EU
Time: See notice-board
Location: IfEU, Belvederer Allee 5
Start: See notice-board