
Slum Upgrading Schemes for Better Liveability: Case of Pune, India


eingereicht von
Subhashree Nath

Betreuende Professur
Professur Informatik in der Architektur und Institut für Experimentelle Architektur (bauhaus.ifex)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider (Bauhaus University), Prof. Dr. habil. Sigrun Kabisch (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ), Raphael Karutz, MSc. (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ)

Integrated Urban Development and Design (Master of Science (M.Sc.))


Liveability studies are mostly limited to formal settlements, whereas in emerging economies like India, a large proportion of the population lives in informal settlements. Lack of liveability studies for informal settlements often lead to the assumption that ensuring safer housing structure and providing basic services like household-level water, sanitation, and electricity, inevitably leads to an improved living experience.
Consequently, slum upgrading schemes rarely consider improvement in liveability as one of the criteria. The thesis addresses this research gap by studying the change in liveability perceptions of residents when they move to upgraded housing. It proposes a novel method to assess liveability perceptions of residents of slums which were upgraded under slum upgrading schemes and guide municipal authorities on how to improve liveability in future schemes. It is based in the city of Pune, in India.
The method includes contextualising liveability indicators as per Low/Middle-Income Countries and interviewing residents of four different neighbourhoods to find the performance of each indicator and how they influence the performance of each other. The interviews were analysed using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to find the most influential (central) indicator. It was found that the key indicators, which the residents consider most influential are Availability of Community Space, Proximity to Green Spaces, Proximity to Public Transportation and Feeling of Belongingness.

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