
'L'enveloppe', zur Darstellung von Impressionen. Interpretation eines Konzepts des Impressionismus durch Projection Mapping- und Virtual Reality-Prototypen



eingereicht von
Aixa Navas Valbuena

Betreuende Professur
Media Architecture / Human-Computer Interaction

Professor Eva Hornecker (Dr. / PhD) - Human-Computer Interaction, Architekt Mathias Thiel (Dipl.-Ing. FH) - Ausstellungsdesign (asisi Studio, Berlin)

MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))


Few art movements remain as current as Impressionism does. It placed the notion of capturing transience through painting, depicting subjects understood as perceptions, particularly as impressions. Claude Monet’s Rouen Cathedral Series elevates this notion to a new level, representing the paradox of the momentary being built up over time.

Monet’s letters during that creative process are testimony to what he pursued and referred to as the enveloppe: the same light spread everywhere. What he considered impossible to represent on the canvas surpassed the two-dimensionality of his medium, painting. In the digital age, how could this concept be interpreted through new media by using the immersive feature of three-dimensionality?

This academic work pursues to convey a depiction of the enveloppe through data visualization in a three-dimensional environment, with the use of two immersive media: virtual reality and projection mapping. In this way, two prototypes were built to visualize processed data of the Cathedral Series paintings, offering an immersive approximation to Monet’s enveloppe.

Link 1 > 360° short film of the VR prototype (monoscopic version)
Link 2 > Dissertation presentation
Link 3 > Thesis book (mobile-friendly version)

"„L'enveloppe“ – die Umhüllung, ein Begriff aus dem Impressionismus von Monet, der damit die unterschiedlichen Eindrücke von einem Gegenstand bezeichnet, die durch die Umhüllung eines Objekts mit Farbe, Luft und Licht entstehen. Was Monet mit Techniken der Malerei erreichte wird mit einem verkleinerten Modell eines seiner Motive, der Kathedrale von Rouen, mittels virtual reality and projection mapping nachvollzogen und führt zu interessanten, sich annähernden Impressionen. Das Ergebnis beeindruckt durch seine grafische Aufarbeitung und die verbundene Vermittlung digitaler Prozesse."

Dateien und Präsentationen