go4spring 2021

Neue Natur im Park an der Ilm : circle of lights


eingereicht von
Nik Dommermuth

Nik Dommermuth, Timo Bechert

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Zierold, M.F.A. Brian Clark, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König

MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))


In the near future the Ilmpark will be facing serious threats due to climate change. There will be a shift in weather patterns especially concerning rainfalls. This will have consequences on the groundwater in and around Weimar. Scientists estimate that the groundwater is diminishing at a rate of 15mm/year in the region. In order to combat this problem, the park is sustained artificially with water. This tight collaboration between man and water in the face of climate change is the definition of new nature.

The location "Ochsenauge" is chosen for several reasons. It represents the collaboration between man and water due to landscaping and it is a karst type water source which depends on rainfall thus affected by climate change. The goal is to raise awareness about groundwater loss. The installation will compare the liquid properties of the three main actors of our scenario: the park with the loss of groundwater, the spring with its output and the humans with their blood circulation. These three values will be compared in l/min.

The installation is made of a circle of floating lights. The lights are pulled towards the spring output via a motor and pushed away with the current. The location of the balls depends on the mode and real time data collected on site. The light provided by the balls should spike the curiosity of passersby and attract them. For those who are more interested in the subject matter additional information will be provided via a QR code.

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