"Wunderkammer 4.0 / Cabinets of wonder 4.0" Cabinets of Mischief
eingereicht von
Katharina Maria Fuchs
Katarina Bankovic
Prof.Bernd Rudolf, Prof.Andreas Kästner, Junior-Prof.Reinhard König, Dr. Sabine Zierold, Nazar Abuhalaweh, Stefan Kraus, Brian Larson Clark
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Like mapping memories and brain paths, through our project we want to map out stories and historic paths of Gotha and Baroque. Our project should be interactive so that it invites the guest/onlooker to connect his own experience to the memories of Baroque. Exactly like when person is watching a movie, tv show or a theatre play, the emotional connection allows the person to remember the story without even trying.
We positioned three levels in four important spots of Gotha's baroque universe as well as in important points for tourists and residents.
Not only by connection of experiences, but also by a well-thought-out gameplay, pavilions will lead passerby on a path to the exhibition and history of Gotha and Baroque, getting more immersive each step.
Knowing that a reward is always attractive to participants, a user will get a free audio - guide or photo bracelet for the museum and the castle, when finishing all three stages.
To increase the level of immersiveness we chose to add different types of media.
The first level will work only mechanical. The second one uses Arduino, to create screens which hide or when touched - reveal - the information behind. The third level, with the help of TouchDesigner, will drag you in to another world - with a pavilion that consists out of screens and visuals that you can change through your movement - sharing even more about the artifacts of Gotha.
Grab a leaflet and take the first step on the path to the baroque universe!
Dateien und Präsentationen
- fuchs_bankovic_cabinets_of_mischief_logbook_01.pdf
- fuchs_bankovic_cabinets_of_mischief_presentation_01.pdf
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