Wunderkammer 4.0 "Alter.ii"
eingereicht von
Ipek Aydin
Idil Öztürk
Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Prof. Andreas Kästner, Junior Prof. Reinhard König, Dr. Sabine Zierold, Brian Clark, Stefan Kraus, Nezar Abualhalaweh
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Alter.ii is an audio-reactive media installation that aims to inspire visitors about the rich baroque world of Gotha. The project is consistent of an aluminum pavilion space that is built for a dynamic atmosphere both inside and outside. Alter.ii is built on the Schlosspark which provides a path from Gotha train station to Ducal Museum, Schloss Friedenstein and then the city center.
The installation aims to give information about the "wunderkammer" through senses. By taking inspiration from the 5 different categories of wunderkammer, 5 different soundscapes are created from collecting sounds of Gotha. The selected museum objects are projected onto the walls of the pavilion in a dynamic movement. With the touchdesigner program, the objects are made to react to audio frequencies with elongation, dispersion and color changes. A special, interesting atmosphere is created through sound, projection lights and reflection. By inspiring visitors to learn more about the wunderkammer and baroque, the pavilion gives short descriptions of selected objects and invites to discover more.
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