What would the concept of GOD look like if you could invent it yourself today? Students tackled this question in the “GOD” project in Image-Text-Conception. Over the course of the semester, they developed concepts for new or redefined religions, faith communities or ideas of GOD – including visual identities, holy scriptures, rituals and spiritual songs. Mitra Asghari created the religion of “Lepidopteri”, which is centred on the transformative power of butterflies. Nine butterflies, “The Nine Divine”, represent nine human qualities; the passage and union of these qualities symbolises perfection in the eternal cycle of life, change, death and rebirth. The rules of faith are manifested in a sacred script, which is kept in a cocoon. Visually, “Lepidopteri” is characterised by the symmetry of butterfly wings, that also accompany the spiritual song “The Nine Divine”.