Lena Vogel: algae, 2023
Type: Master’s Project Degree Programme: Product Design Professorship: Industrial Design Advisors: Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend, Susann Paduch

Algae are the oldest plant organism on our planet and at the same time the basis of our life. They are of great importance for our environment, and thus also for us, since they offer a multitude of potentials. About half of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by algae, wich are up to three times more effective than higher plants.

So why don’t we integrate them more and consciously into our environment, our surroundings and our everyday life by opening up new habitats for them?

In the project algae, new forms of cultivating microalgae were explored. By 3D printing clay, a special surface was created on which the algae grow adherently. This not only brings some advantages in algae cultivation, but at the same time offers completely new possibilities of application and integration. The surface texture created by printing the clay is deliberately used and manipulated to the advantage of the algae growth. The combination of 3D printing and clay results in completely new qualities.

Product Design
Industrial Design
Lena Vogel
Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend
Susann Paduch