Monday Lectures

Program by Susanne Bosch, lecturer
Summerterm 2006
In Cooperation with the ACC Gallery, Weimar


22.5. Jennifer Geigel Mikulay, Milwaukee/USA
29.5. Wolfram Höhne, Künstler, Weimar
12.6. Turbine/Daniel Klapsing, Weimar
19.6. Dr. Klaus Klemp, Kulturamtsleiter, Frankfurt/Main
26.6. Larissa Fassler, Künstlerin, Berlin
3.7. Cathy Butterworth, Kuratorin, Liverpool
10.7. Kerstin Mey, Kuratorin und Kunsthistorikerin, Belfast, Irland

08/05/2006 Nina Lundström, artist and curator, Weimar
Title: Art you can´t touch
N. Lundström presented the project "Luftschloß" (Castle in the Air), a collaborative art project with 6 norwegian and 6 german artists participating. This project was shown in Bergen/Norway during December and January 2005/2006. The project existed on several levels, as art in the gallery HKS, as art in public space around Bergen and as art in virtual space seen on a PDA when people moved around the city of Bergen. I will talk about the reception and production and process behind the project.

15/05/2006 Dr. Michael Tacke, Büro Orange, Munich
Title: Art in the work life
»Office Orange« creates the integration of the art into the everyday location of the working sphere. »Office Orange« offers an experimental field to the artist. The gallerist can conquer the third market for art here. The architect invites the artist to an dialogue on similar eye level. The owner opens free space in architecture to the young, contemporary art.

 22/05/2006 Jennifer Geigel Mikulay, Ph.D. candidate in visual culture studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lecture Title: Getting in the Game: American Politics and Public Art
Percent-for-art legislative roll-backs…. Ongoing media attacks on “controversial” public art…. Municipal and state culture budgets that grow or shrink with election cycles…. In the face of these challenges, how can public artists effectively garner sustained support for their projects? Highlighting several recent American projects, the lecture engages critical questions related to the political pitfalls and possibilities expressed in public art programs

29/05/2006 Wolfram Höhne / Co-operative art practice, visual artist, Weimar
Title: Art is an ideology....
Introduction about his co-operative art practice

12/06/2006 Turbine/Daniel Klapsing & Simon Kiepe, artist, Weimar
Titellle: ¥€$! history on sale.
Just before the opening of the new shopping mall "Atrium" in Weimar, the Turbine designed a brochure which brought together consumption and the crimes of  Nazi Germany.

 19/06/2006 Dr. Klaus Klemp, Head of Culture Department of the city Frankfurt a.M., Head of municipal  galleries in Karmeliter Monastary and in Leinwandhaus
Title: Practice of Public Art and Public Design in Frankfurt
General considerations to public space, strategies, projects and future projects

26/06/2006 Larissa Fassler, artist, Berlin/ Montreal
Title: People in Art/People as Art
Introducing her own work

 03/07/2006 Cathy Butterworth, researching for her PhD in Curatorial Practice with a particular emphasis on live and time based practices. From 1999-2006 she was Live Art Curator at Bluecoat Arts Centre, a combined arts venue in Liverpool, UK.
Lecture title: Curating Risk
This lecture will consider reconfigured meanings of place,  subjectivity, politics, and communication in curatorial practice with a focus on live art processes. It will interrogate notions of ephemerality, anti architecture and the 'performing of space'.

 10/07/2006 Prof. Dr. Kerstin Mey, Belast, Northern Ireland, Director of Art & Design Research Institute at the University of Ulster
Title: Engaging Art – Producing Exchange – On the legacy of Joseph Beuys 
The presentation considers how artists of a younger generation have grappled with Beuys since he died in 1996. It looks at changing templates of art in the public domain and ways in which artists engage in civil society.