GMU:Design with Fungi / Melisa and Lidya / TheProject

From Medien Wiki

Speculative Garden

The garden is produced and needed by (wo)man for centuries is referred to as the mirror of society that entangles nodes of power and control, but nowadays, it becomes crucial to consider the future of symbiosis with the technological object, the more-than-human and the environment in terms of power and control in the context of global capitalism and posthumanism.

The garden concept is created as a sensorial exhibition for this purpose by using licen to mediate about symbiosis is a reflection on the environment, self-awareness, algorithms and artificial intelligence with sensors, computers, photos and sounds forum the environment.

The feedback and instances from the physical to the digital space, make an intangible figure of nature and represented in the speculative garden between humans and non-humans.

Victimless Leather


The aim was to create a "victimless utopia" which is against to material waste of global production and animal cruelty.


Victimless Leather explores the future consequences and potentials of using tissue engineering to develop consumer products in leather production.


This leather is cultured inside a custom-made perfusion chamber, inspired by the organ perfusion pump

Hyper Articulated Mycomorph

The highly consuming, disposable culture brought on by the Industrial Revolution has led to the fast production of non-renewable composite materials and as a result of this, interest in biomaterials for industrial applications is growing fast and mycelium is one the most studied ones.

In this research, mycelium PLA is produced and with the new fabrication methodologies was used to generate new and aesthetic possibilities for myco-composite objects, by observing and simulating the behaviour of mycelium in various substrates.

To explore this aspect of biodegradable and digital fabrication methods, a table prototype was created.