Integrated Urban Development and Design - IUDD (M.Sc.)

Online-Info-Session (45 min) for prospective applicants and students + QA-Session (15 min)

Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD)

With the Master's Programme »Integrated Urban Development and Design« (IUDD) we train students to develop abilities that will encourage them to react to transformation processes that are typical for the beginning of the 21st century: Urban landscapes of dispersed character, global markets as well as global challenges in environment and society, virtual spaces, powerful actors in the construction business and postmodern lifestyles are raising new challenges for the spatial competences of planners and designers dedicated to larger scales but with a sense for detail.

The aim of the consecutive programme is the training of local and international "curators for urban space". This takes place through a combination of spatial scientific-analytical and urban developmental-design oriented education, as well as through an integrated practical component or an in-depth semester in China. 

Students have the choice between two specialisations or study programmes:

a) »Reflective Urban Practice« with the  »Model Projects« practical module in the 3rd semester


b) »Advanced Urbanism« with an academic exchange at Tongji University and a double degree.

The programme aims to deepen, expand and apply technical and methodological skills already acquired. These should also be considered in the context of international perspectives and enable interdisciplinary work. The programme is committed to define, analyse, include and streamline these diverse factors in the sense of Integrated Urban Development as an holistic approach and its linkages to urban design in the metropolitan as well as rural-urban context.