
Published: 11 April 2024

Project progress at h2well-compact

This week, the compact hydrogen filling station designed by Maximator GmbH for refuelling forklifts was set up at the Vereinsbrauerei Apolda.

In addition to the electrolyser and the hydrogen storage system at the small hydropower plant in Oberroßla, which was installed 2 weeks ago, another important component of the hydrogen supply system designed as a research demonstrator has now been implemented. In the next few days, the acceptance of the filling station will take place, so that everything is prepared for test operation.

A mobile transport system with an on-board compressor is used between the locations of the small hydropower plant and the Vereinsbrauerei Apolda, which was jointly designed by Maximator GmbH and Rießner Gase GmbH.

With the overall system, in the development and implementation of which a total of 9 research partners coordinated by the Chair of Energy Systems are involved, we want to show that decentralized hydrogen supply systems in mobility are no longer a vision, but can be implemented technically on a broad scale.